Catapult With Pinoo

Project Purpose: To make a catapult project by using button module and servo motor with Pinoo control card.
Duration: 2 lessons
Pinoo Set: Invention, Maker,Full Set
Age Group: 9 years and older
• Learns to code Pinoo control card.
• Learns to use button module.
• Learns to use servo motor.
• Improves the skill of setting up algorithms.
• Improves coding skill.
Required Materials: Mblock 3 program, Pinoo control card, servo motor, button module
Materials Required for Design: Wooden pieces, acrylic paint, 11 colored ice cream sticks, stir bar, scissors, 3 pharmacy tires, plastic bottle cap, silicone gun and silicone.
Project Preparation

- For our project, let's start by making the platform where we will place the catapult.
- We paint the wooden parts with acrylic paint.
- We silicon the wooden pieces as shown in the figure.
- We start making the catapult. We silicon the 4 ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.
- We silicon the other ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.
- We silicone the ice cream sticks as shown in the figure.
- We silicon one ice cream stick on the upper part.
- We silicone the plastic bottle cap on the ice cream stick.
- We silicone ice cream stick in the lower part. We attach the ice cream stick with a lid to that stick with the rubber.
- We are increasing the number of tires. 2 tires will be installed
- We silicone the catapult on the platform.
- We remove the end of the servo motor and silicon it as shown in the figure.
- We also silicon the button module.
- We bend the catapult and cut the stir bar according to the distance between the servo motor. .
- We silicon the end of the servo motor to the rod as shown in the figure
- We install the connecting cables of the sensors.
- We attach the other ends of the connecting cables to the Pinoo control board. (Button is for 1. door, servo motor is for 2. door)
- We also plug in the USB connection cable. Now we can start coding.
Adding Pinoo Extension

- From the Extensions tab, we click on the "Manage Extensions" option.
- In the window that opens, we type "Pinoo" into the search engine and simply say download to the result. It was installed on our computer.
Connecting the Pinoo Control Board to the Computer

- In Mblock 3, we click on the "Connect" tab on the upper left.
- We click on the "Serial Port" section from the window that opens and select the "COM6" option from the page that opens. NOTE: Since the port entries of each computer are different, the numbers next to the COM text may change.
- We click on the Cards tab.
- We select the "Arduino Nano" card option used by the Pinoo control card from the window that opens. We click on the Extensions tab.
- In the window that opens, we select the extension "Pinoo" of the control card we are using.
- We click on the Connect tab.
- We click on "Firmware Update" from the window that opens.
Coding Part

- First, we make the angle of the servo 90 degrees.
- We attach the end of the servo motor. By tilting the catapult, we bring the servo motor to 0 degrees.
- It will look like this.
- We print it on the screen to see the button status. (When 1 is pressed, you will see the value 0 when 1 is not pressed.) We create the condition that the button state must be 1.
- We make the angle of the servo motor 90. In this way, he will throw catapults. Within 4 seconds, we will lower the catapult and turn the servo motor to 0 angle again.
- We create the condition for the button state to be 0. Then we adjust the angle of the servo motor.
- In order to upload our codes to the pinoo sensor card, we make the "Pinoo Program" command at the beginning of the event and delete the code we use to see the button value on the screen.
- We right click on the "Pinoo Program" command and select the "Upload to Arduino" option in the window that opens.
- On the page that opens, we click the "Upload to Arduino" button selected in red.
- Our codes are uploaded to our Pinoo control card.
- We click on the "Close" button after the "Download Finished" text appears.
Working Status of the Project
- We are installing the 9V battery.
- We press the button.
- The servo motor will stay and the catapult will work.