Cat Feeder

We built a cat feeder which is controlled through the phone using "Blynk" app, which also documents the feeding time and date through "Google Docs"

Circuit playground express
Engine 12V
Cornflakes Dispenser
Mosfet uo4
Hot glue
Connect ESP2866 to the CPX

Connect the pins according to the photo above.

We'll disconnect the wheel from the dispenser's wheel
Instead we'll connect our 12V engine to the wheel's spot We'll use hot glue to make sure it is well connected
We'll use the "mofset" to connect the engine to the electricity and to the cpx to A1

We'll download Blynk app and start a new project
We'll create the buttons on the screen according to the picture above
for each button we'll describe to which virtual pin it is connected:
Delay will be connected to V0 Food amount will be connected to V1 The LCD will be connected to V2 The "Press" button will be connected to V3

We'll register to
Open a new scenario
Open a new sheet on Google sheets
Create a new Webhook After creating the webhook we'll use the webhook link in our Blynk app in order to connect between them
Create a new Google Sheets - Add a row Connect a "Webhooks - Custom webhook" to "Google Sheets - Add a Row"
We'll upload the code above to our CPX;
Each user needs to change few lines - The "AUTH" to the authentication you got when we first opened our Blynk app The "SSID" to your wifi connection's name The "PASS" to your wifi connection's password