Cat Emergency Kit

by missdw in Living > Organizing

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Cat Emergency Kit


Hi! I'm new to making Instructables but have been reading and using them for a long time. I'm finally inspired to give back to the community.

First I want to thank user ashleyjlong for their excellent Instructable on general pet preparedness found here:
I highly recommend giving that a read-over!

My Instructable is focused on cats, and gives an example of how to actually pack some emergency supplies into a portable case. It's not designed to be comprehensive, as many of the essentials (like water, a leash, etc.) I have packed elsewhere in my emergency supplies. Anyway I hope that you find it useful!

Gather Your Case and Non-Perishable Supplies


First things first, gather your case and non-perishable supplies. You will need:

1 - hanging-file-sized case, preferably with latching side handles. This one measures 13" long, 8" deep, and 11" high.

1 - disposable roasting pan (with or without lid), measuring approximately 12" long, 9" deep, and 2" high. Basically, this should fit into the case diagonally, while still allowing you to latch the case lid.

1 - gallon-size plastic sealable bag of kitty litter. You can adjust this amount for your little one; I have a 12-lb cat who likes to dig holes in the litterbox, so I favor a larger tray and more litter. If you want to wrap it in a regular plastic bag, that will be helpful in case of a spill, and in general having a plastic bag or two could come in handy.

multiple - toys and entertainment. I have a new toy my cat hasn't seen before, as well as a new length of string (she loves string). Basically, store a few new toys that they haven't seen before, so they will be more interested.

1 - scratch pad. My cat LOVES scratch pads. This is actually a circular pad for one of those roller-ball toys with a scratch pad in the middle, I think it's about 8"-9" in diameter. If you squash it a little as shown, it should fit in the roasting pan.

1 - comb or brush for grooming. My cat loves to be groomed, and a comb or stiff brush is a good choice, from a size perspective as well as being sturdy enough to clean your pet should they get dirt or grit on them.

1 - 10-pack of small loaf pans. These are about 3" x 2" x 1" approximately. A 10-pack takes up minimally more room than just one or two. These can serve a few purposes, including food/water dishes, litter box scoop, etc.

Gather Your Perishable Supplies


I'm documenting the perishable supplies separately because it's important that you keep track of the expiration dates for these as you pack them. List these on a small piece of paper that you can put in the case on a viewable side, so you can easily note when the supplies need to be rotated.

Here's my list of perishables:

1 - gallon zipper bag of dry food. This is probably enough for well over a week, so feel free to adjust as needed.

1 - dose flea/tick/heartworm medication. This is in case you are due for an application while you are away from home.

1 - can of wet food. My kitty doesn't normally eat wet food, but when in an unfamiliar environment, she will find this comforting.

1 - bag of treats of choice. Mine needs the glyco treats for her joints. Fortunately she loves them.

1 - bag of catnip. If your cat digs catnip, this would be useful to sprinkle on the scratching pad.

Begin Assembly - Case and Pan


Squeeze the sides of the scratch pad together slightly until it fits snugly into the bottom of the pan. Then insert the pan diagonally into the case as shown. It should fit with the approximate dimensions listed in Step 1. If you have a cover for the pan, nest the bottom of the pan into the top before inserting into the case.

Add Litter


Place the litter into the case and nestle it next to the scratch pad as shown.

Add the Dry Cat Food


Put the bag of cat food on the opposite side of the pan as shown. Try to keep curious kitties from being packed in the case along with it!

Pack Small Items Into Loaf Pans


Here I've put the small toys, the flea medicine, and the can of wet food snugly into the loaf pan package.

Put Loaf Pan Package Into Case


Place the loaf pan package on top of the bagged cat litter. Make sure the packing meets the standards of the overseer ^..^

Add Treats and Catnip


Place the treats and catnip into the case next to the loaf pans.

Add Expiration Info & Close It Up!


Place a small sheet of paper with the expiration dates of the perishables in the front of the case so it is easily viewable. Pop the lid on and you are done!

A few notes:

- This kit, as packed, weighs approximately 20 pounds. This will vary obviously with the amount of litter and food you put in. Adjust this accordingly for your pet and your strength.

- You can add more items as you need and as you have room (and as you can carry). These were the most basic essentials that I would need that weren't packed elsewhere. I have water in a separate kit, and the kitty's leash is in a pocket on her carrier.

Please leave feedback and suggestions, and I'd be happy to see your versions and improvements on this!