Cat Deterrent Blanket/Poncho

I am allergic to cats. I have a cat and I love her so very much. The problem is that I wasn't always allergic. This is a recent development and no fault of hers. For six years she has been a beloved member of the family and rehoming her is not an option.
Keeping the house extra clean, vacuuming my bed and couch often, closing the bedroom door at night, air purifiers and of course allergy meds, have all been helping. She is a very snuggly kitty though and every time I sit down, she jumps up to cuddle. I feel awful kicking her off my lap so I designed the Cat Deterrent Blanket. This way, her affection isn't being rejected. She is making the choice to go sit on someone else because I am now very uncomfortable. It feels kinder this way.

This is a simple no sew project you can make with only a few supplies:
A blanket (or poncho if you want to wear it around), Hot Glue, Tie Straps ( I used 2 sizes, 4" and 7.5"), Scissors and some Ribbon (Single Fold Bias worked really well and they were very cheap at Walmart)
**My image has some wider, black ribbon but I did not end up using it for this project.**
Build Florets

The first step in making florets is to lay out about 5 inches of ribbon. Place 9 of the 4 inch tie straps under the ribbon, alternating the side the closure is on. This makes sure that when the floret is complete, the straps will be sticking up at different angles.
When all 9 are attached, slide them together, leaving extra ribbon on either side.
Repeat this process 4 times to end up with 5 pieces total.
Shape Florets

To shape the florets, bring the excess ribbon from each side together and tie them in a simple knot. You should be left with a starburst shape.
Repeat this step with each piece.
Center Flower and Spike Rows

To make the center piece, use the same technique as the smaller florets (step 1-2), but alternate using the 4 inch and the 7.5 inch tie straps.
To make the spike rows, cut the the ribbon into the desired length (mine ended up being 3 feet long X 2).
Attach the 4 inch tie straps roughly 2 inches apart down the entire length of each ribbon.
Glue the Spike Rows

Lay the first spike row diagonally across the blanket/poncho.
Using a pea sized amount of hot glue under the tie strap closure, secure the entire length of ribbon.
Lay the second spike row opposite the first and repeat the gluing process.
Glue the Florets

Start with the large, center flower. Smooth the tie strap upward as shown, and line the ring at the bottom with hot glue.
Press the base into the center of the X shape and hold until glue dries.
Using the same technique, glue the other florets, evenly spaced around the center.

To use your new Cat Deterrent Blanket/Poncho, lay it across your lap and enjoy some cat free sitting on the couch. Alternatively, pop your head through the hole and wear your new creation around the house, or to your friends place if they have cats.
**If you make this project with a blanket and want it to become wearable afterwards, you can turn it into a poncho by cutting a diagonal hole down the center, big enough to put your head through.**