Carved & Sculpted Pots With Jute

by innovento in Craft > Clay

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Carved & Sculpted Pots With Jute


It's been a long time since I have been thinking of decorating pots for small indoor plants. Especially the bushy green ones. When I recently bought these ice-cream cans, I have been eyeing the containers to make them into cute pots.

This challenge just inspired me to get started. In here, I've made a pair of attractive and simple pots using carving and sculpting techniques to make it rustic yet attractive. Let's embark on the journey to home decoration!


  1. 1 gallon empty plastic containers for repurposing - Total 2
  2. White cement
  3. Water
  4. Tool to mix the cement
  5. Jute - 1 bundle
  6. Scissors
  7. 1 dowel
  8. Real plants or artificial flowers

Preparing the Containers As Pots


In this step, I thoroughly cleaned the ice-cream containers from the inside and outside. Let it dry in the hot sun until its clean and dry

Mixing the Cement


In this step, I bought a bag of white cement. Added this to a mixing bowl and then added water slowly to make a lump free thick consistency mix.

Cementing the Pot


At this point the container is now having a makeover as a pot. I added the thick later of cement on the surface of the pot. Spread it evenly all over the pot and then let it dry in the sun for a couple of hours.

Cement As the Second Layer


After the first layer I then applied a second layer and this was slightly thicker. Applied it evenly along the entire surface carefully. Let it dry for just 10-15 minutes.

Carving the Pots


With the help of a wooden dowel (just a 3 inches piece), I then carved lined in the V, V, V shape as seen in the first picture and from the rest in series. Repeated the same steps for both the pots.

Sculpting the Pots


To enhance the looks and take it to the next level, I decided to add jute twine along the carved lines on the surface. I repeated the same steps along all the three lines and on both the pots. Keeping in mind to add jute while the second layer of cement is still well on the pots. The next step was to let these dry in the hot sun for a couple of hours.

Decorating the Pots

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Honestly at this stage I was very keen in adding the potting mix and planting some seeds for home decoration with plants. But I didn't have enough time let the plants grow at a reasonably visible length to show its growth. So as an alternative method, I choose to add artificial plants and carry on with my planting job later. With that flower bouquets are added to the pots and they look amazing!

Thank you for checking out my project!