Cardboard Dog Food Dispenser

by piano10 in Craft > Cardboard

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Cardboard Dog Food Dispenser

Photo on 1-27-22 at 7.40 PM.jpg

Supplies: Hungry dog, dog food, cardboard (obviously), popsicle stick, and scissors.

Step 1: Cutting

Photo on 1-28-22 at 5.13 PM.jpg

Cut pieces as seen in picture above.

Step 2: Gluing (Part 1 of 3)

Photo on 1-28-22 at 5.30 PM.jpg
Photo on 1-28-22 at 5.37 PM.jpg

Glue the pieces that I used together.

Step: 3 Gluing (Part 2 of 3)

Photo on 1-28-22 at 5.47 PM.jpg
Photo on 1-28-22 at 5.48 PM #2.jpg
Photo on 1-28-22 at 6.24 PM.jpg

Glue the pieces as seen in the pictures.

Step 4: Gluing (Part 3 of 3)

Photo on 1-28-22 at 6.57 PM.jpg
Photo on 1-28-22 at 6.57 PM #2.jpg

Now glue the pieces as seen in pictures.

Step 6: Test It Out

Photo on 1-28-22 at 7.05 PM.jpg

Go ahead and test it out. See if it works. Thank you guys for making this craft.