Card Shelf

A really tiny shelf made from a playing card to hold your chewbaccas and stuff
Get Ingredients

You need a playing card and some tape. Chewbacca is optional.
Measure Tape
Make two strands of tape, both about the same size. Then, make two more strands of tape a bit smaller then the first two. My big tape things were about 8 and a half inches long, as my small ones were 7 inches long
Tape Tape
Lay the longer strips of tape down (sticky side up) and lay the smaller strip of tape in the middle (sticky side down). There should be a piece of tape with only the edges sticky. Do that with the other one too.
Tape Tape to Card

Tape one of the sides of the special tape you made to the card, so it looks like this

Now all you have to do is hang this shelf up. Put something light on it. These lego guys seem to do the trick