Car Dashboard

by ammaramoudi in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Car Dashboard



This project allows you to create your own car dashboard connect it to your car via OBDII adapter. Use your own xml config for you car model that you can find on internet, or edit a default one to add commands.

what is car dashboard?

A dashboard is a control panel set within the central console of a vehicle . Usually located directly ahead of the driver it displays instrumentation and controls for the vehicle's operation.

Project Idea :

Provide other information to the driver of the vehicle


  • Raspberry Pi 4 Model B

  • HDMI display for Raspberry Pi 5 inch

  • OBDll adapter

  • Micro SD card 32GB

  • micro HDMI

  • power supply 5V-3A

  • type C cable

Supplies Order

WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 2.09.31 AM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 2.09.30 AM (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 2.09.30 AM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 2.09.29 AM (1).jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2021-04-17 at 2.09.28 AM.jpeg

Raspberry Pi Setup

Raspbian installation

steps of setting :

After you connected the micro SD card, start to down load the obrution system from the official website of the Raspberry Pi, ,use the NOBBS software and downloaded to the micro SD card by copping all the file on it. After that, insert the micro SD card to the Raspberry Pi and plug all the cable ( HDMI cable to the monitor, usb cable to ac, etc.), all the optional will seen on the screen.

OBDll Installation

Raspbian Setup:

First, make sure your package lists are up-to-date:

$ sudo apt-get update

Confirm that Python is installed (should be included by default in your Raspbian installation):

$ python --version

Install Python setuptools to get PIP (the Python package manager):

$ sudo apt-get -y install python-pip

Install the python-OBD library via PIP:

$ sudo pip install obd

Install the RPi-GPIO library via PIP:

$ sudo pip install RPi.GPIO

Install the pyserial library:

$ sudo apt-get install python-serial

Next, enable auto-login to the 'pi' user (or whichever user you choose to run the scripts under):

$ sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/

Change the ExecStart line to:

$ ExecStart=-/sbin/agetty -a pi %I $TERM


import pygame

from pygame.locals import *

import obd


#connection = obd.OBD()

connection = obd.Async(fast=False)

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((0,0),pygame.FULLSCREEN)

screen_w = screen.get_width()

screen_h = screen.get_height()

circle_y = screen_h/2

circle1_x = screen_w * .25

circle2_x = screen_w * .5

circle3_x = screen_w * .75

circle_rad = (circle2_x - circle1_x)/2

speed_text_x = screen_w * .25

speed_text_y = screen_h * .25

rpm_text_x = screen_w * .5

rpm_text_y = screen_h * .25

load_text_x = screen_w * .75

load_text_y = screen_h * .25

headerFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 50)

digitFont = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 50)

white = (255,255,255)

black = (0,0,0)

grey = (112, 128, 144)

speed = 0

rpm = 0

load = 0

def draw_hud():

screen.fill(grey), black, (int(circle1_x), int(circle_y)), int(circle_rad), 5), black, (int(circle2_x), int(circle_y)), int(circle_rad), 5), black, (int(circle3_x), int(circle_y)), int(circle_rad), 5)

speed_text = headerFont.render("SPEED", True, black)

rpm_text = headerFont.render("RPM", True, black)

load_text = headerFont.render("LOAD", True, black)

speed_text_loc = speed_text.get_rect(center=(speed_text_x, speed_text_y))

rpm_text_loc = rpm_text.get_rect(center=(rpm_text_x, rpm_text_y))

load_text_loc = load_text.get_rect(center=(load_text_x, load_text_y))

screen.blit(speed_text, speed_text_loc)

screen.blit(rpm_text, rpm_text_loc)

screen.blit(load_text, load_text_loc)

def get_speed(s):

global speed

if not s.is_null():

speed = int(s.value.magnitude) #for kph

#speed = int(s.value.magnitude * .060934) #for mph

def get_rpm(r):

global rpm

if not r.is_null():

rpm = int(r.value.magnitude)

def get_load(l):

global load

if not l.is_null():

load = int(l.value), callback=get_speed), callback=get_rpm), callback=get_load)


running = True

while running:

for event in pygame.event.get():

if event.type == KEYDOWN:

if event.key == K_ESCAPE:



running = False

elif event.type == QUIT:



running = False


speedDisplay = digitFont.render(str(speed), 3, white)

rpmDisplay = digitFont.render(str(rpm), 3, white)

loadDisplay = digitFont.render(" " + str(load) + " %", 3, white)

screen.blit(loadDisplay, (circle3_x-(circle3_x/8), circle_y-45))

screen.blit(rpmDisplay, (circle2_x-(circle2_x/8), circle_y-45))

screen.blit(speedDisplay,(circle1_x-(circle1_x/8), circle_y-45))




Project Problems


Bluetooth OBD doesn't send data from car to Raspberry Pi.

The solution:




Thanks and Appreciation to Dr. Jabber

Dear Dr. Jabber

We would like to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to you for your support and patronage in the accomplishment of our project.

God bless of you..