Camping Shower for Under $5
Step 1: the Need
The need arose from, of all things, trying to get my mobile home set up and ready to move in...not being overly wealthy...or wealthy at all, I needed to make a way for us to stay clean (an idea firmly given to me by my woman) when we were working on the mobile home for a few days at a time. So we started looking for a camping shower to buy, but didn't have the $9+ that Walmart wanted for I got to thinking and realized that I had the materials to make one.
List of Materials
Several large washers (found in my toolbox)
A tea pitcher with a removable nozzle on the bottom ($1.50)
Air hose fitting (found in my toolbox)
Fish tank water hose (also in my toolbox)
And ducto-cement ($1.00 at the dollar store)
I just put the air hose fitting together, put the clear washers on either side of the hole to the pitcher, glued it with the ducto-cement, then layered the washers and ducto-cement until there was no more space for anything but the plastic washer, then I glued it all together, attached the hose, and glued that in too. It's gravity fed, so no worries on pressure!