Call of Duty Tips WWII

by UnearthlyFox in Living > Video Games

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Call of Duty Tips WWII

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in call of duty WWII you fight against Nazis, zombies, & Nazi zombies! in Nazi zombies the final reich, you will have to turn on three valves no less than three no more than three but exactly three, then you have to activate an object near the sewer in the center of the town square but be warned, nine pest zombies come out of the sewer and run at you, they are on fire buuuuut they will not light you on fire. then you jump into the sewer and go all the way to the GENERATOR!!!!! then you turn it on and proceed to the nearest exit it is best to leave at least one slow zombie limping around so you can explore. this part is so far the trickiest part, you have to have two players for this but it is possible to get past with one player, you have to unlock 2 doors, the laboratory door & the morgue door, then you run and find the switches to open the salt mine. when you open the salt mine you have to stay out of the chamber with the right hand of god cause about 50 zombies appear in there and will kill you faster than you can say NAZIS! this is as far as I have gotten in the final riech



in multiplayer you have to destroy german & british & U.S. soldiers in order to win cooperative games such as gridiron, free for all, team death match, and other games. on shipment 1944 you can camp inside the box near the center of the map, I would recommend a heavy machine gun type of weapon with those bullets that can go through walls and barrels. in order to get campers in this spot you need a high caliber weapon like the kar sniper rifle, which kills with one shot, and aim for the SIDE of the box not the back end of the box. believe it or not I managed to get a kill with a grenade launcher from the top of the cannon on Gustave cannon to the far left corner with the burning buildings.

The Fine Art of Sniping

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for sniping you need two things, ammo, and a rifle. the best one is the lee enfield, which delivers a one shot kill from the waist to the head. step one, find a good place, step two, place landmines at the entrances of your sniping spot, step three, aim, shoot & fire. I have gotten a kill as a sticky grenade blew up right by me sadly killing me in the process. one of the best loadouts for sniping is the calvary division equipped with the lee enfield sniper rifle, landmines, & concussion grenades. the shield will protect your back from melee attacks, pistol rounds, & submachine gun rounds. the shield WILL NOT defend against any grenades or rocket launchers. the best plces to snipe are Gustave cannon: the cannon, Achen: the house near the big building with sand bags, London docks: the far corners where you can still see the stairs leading up to the statue, & Antiaircraft tower: windows near the center area.

Melee Combat

one of the best places when crowded is shipment 1944, perfect for the melee weapons. my favorite melee weapon is the baseball bat, fun for running around Gibraltar. one of the other best places is the flak tower near one of the doors near the center area. I have gotten a 10 kill killstreak there before. if you have any tips on weapons and areas please post. that is it for now I got the idea after watching our world war on Netflix a great show.