Cactus Felt Brooch

Try to make a original "Cactus Felt Brooch" with your own hands - it looks really cool.
You can stitch it in just a few minutes.
Such a cutie can be worn on a jacket, attach it to the beach bag or backpack or anywhere you want to bring in a little bit of Summer!!!
- Felt
- Safety Pin
- Thread and Needle
- Hot Glue Gun
- Scissors
Cut a Flowerpot Shape Out of Brown/ginger Felt. Stitch Borders

Cut Out Succulents. Different Shades of Green Are Welcome)

Arrange the Composition and Sew It in Place

Decorate Plants With a Few Embroidery Stitches and Knots

Cactus Flowers: Make 2 Mini "Tassels" and Glue Them to the Backside

Hide the Safety Pin Into Background Layer, and Glue Your Cactus Pot

Now Cut Around the Perimeter, Leaving 1 Mm From Edges. I Think It Looks So Cute... Like a Felt Sticker :)