
by diyadoshi0126 in Workshop > 3D Design

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Robot Farmer (CT 24)

CT-24, the "Crop Tender," is a durable droid crafted specifically for cultivating and nurturing crops amidst the harsh terrains of planets like Tatooine, Jakku, and Ryloth. Armed with a diverse array of farming tools, CT-24 excels in its role, featuring an integrated irrigation system that stores water within the droid and channels it to sprinklers nestled in its head, along with tilling blades trailing behind its feet. Its extensive toolkit bolsters its efficiency, addressing a spectrum of agricultural needs.

Celebrated for its cost-effectiveness and unwavering performance, CT-24 stands as the preferred choice for many farmers. Yet, its widespread presence also makes it a target for illicit acquisition. Often being stolen by thieves and bandits, this reliable droid undergoes repurposing by various resourceful entities. Among them, the Jawas of Tatooine are notorious for transforming CT-24 into a formidable defensive sentinel. Stripping away its farming implements, they convert CT-24 into a guardian armed with an arsenal of weaponry, reshaping its original purpose.