CPX Automatic Pez Dispenser

We redesigned and improved upon another group's CPX Auto Pez Dispenser. These instructions will help guide another group to put together our Automatic Pez Dispenser in a timely and successful manner.
CPX, Servo motor, Battery, Three wires, Lebron Pez Dispenser, Box, and the Box Top
CPX Connection

Take the pre-coded CPX and insert it into the CPX holder on the left side of the Pez Dispenser. Make sure that the CPX is in the holder all the way to be sure it doesn't fall out. It will be slightly off-center to make sure that the power port is accessible when.
Power Source

Next, take the black battery pack and insert the power cable into the bottom of the CPX. You can click the on switch of the CPX to make sure that there is power going to the CPX. The lights will light up all red. Our CPX is powered by sound, a loud sound will trigger the servo to move back for five seconds and then go back to normal. It will also make a noise.
Servo Connection

Attach the three wires to the servo motor in the correct color-coded sequence. Take the end of the wires with the clamps on them and attach them to the CPX on the correct receivers. One clamp should go on the CPX outlet labeled GND (near the B button), another should go on the outlet labeled A1, and the last one should go on the outlet labeled V out.
Placement in the Box

Take the string that is attached to the drill piece on the servo and place it over the head of the Lebron dispenser. Then take the entire Lebron Dispenser with everything attached and place it on the designated velcro spot in the bottom of the box, there is also a designated spot to velcro the servo on the side of the inside of the box. There will be a line on the bottom of the inside of the box to line the front of the dispenser up with. There will also be a designated velcro spot for the battery pack within the box. Make sure you put the servo low enough so that when it's activated by a sound it can pull the head all the way back.
Top Insertion

Take the top plate of the box and place it on top of the box to keep all of the wiring and components inside the box and make sure nothing can fall out of place. This top should slide into the box on the track designated for it. This will keep everything contained and organized.
Final Instruction

Once everything is in place and the CPX is on, you'll know the CPX is on because the lights will be all red, it is coded so that on a loud sound the Pez Dispenser will open 180 degrees. Once it opens 180 degrees it will wait 5 seconds and then close. This can be repeated for however many Pez are in the dispenser. The CPX is also coded to make a noise when it opens, if you hear the noise and see the movement you know you've completed the process.