COVID-safe Useless Box

This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida (
One (1) Arduino Uno
One (1) Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver - I2C interface - PCA9685
Two (2) MG995 Metal Gear Servo
One (1) SG90 Servo
One (1) MTS-101 2 Terminal 2 Position SPST Mini Miniature Toggle Switch
One (1) KCD1-101 6A 250VAC 10A/125V AC 2 pin Rocker Switch
One (1) Lysol Disinfectant Spray To Go, Crisp Linen, 1 Ounce
One (1) USB Battery Bank
One (1) Male USB Type-A to DIP adapter
One (1) PLA Filament 1.75mm 1kg Spool
Four (4) M3 x20mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts
Six (6) M3 x16mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts
Eight (8) M3 x12mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts
Twenty (20) M3 Nuts
Eight (8) M3 Nylon Standoff Male to Female 6mm+6mm
Four (4) M3 Nylon Nuts
Eight (8) M3 x6mm Nylon Screws
Two (2) M2 x10mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts
One (1) M2 x6mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolt
Three (3) M2 Nuts
Sixteen (16) M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screws
One (1) Paperclip
Seven (7) Jumper Wires 150mm
22G Solid Core Hookup Wire
3D Printed Components
Download the attached files and 3D print them.
Component List:
Enclosure Lid Left
Enclosure Lid Right
Lid Door
Arduino and Servo Board Bracket
Lysol Servo Bracket
Lysol Can Holder
Connecting Rod
Assemble Lysol Bracket

Attach one MG995 servo to the Lysol Servo Bracket using four M3 x16mm bolts and four M3 nuts.
Attach one M2 x6mm bolt to the Lysol Servo Bracket using one M2 nut.
Attach the SG90 gear adapter to the Lysol Servo Bracket using four M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screws.
Attach the round gear adaptor to the MGS995 Servo using the included screw.
Attach the one end of the connecting rod to the round gear adaptor using one M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screw.
Place the plunger into the slot in the Lysol Servo Bracket and attach it to the other end of the connecting rod using one M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screw.
Mount SG90 Servo

Attach the SG90 servo with the wires facing the back to the enclosure using two M2 x10mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts and two M2 Nuts.
Attach Lysol Servo Bracket to SG90 Servo
Pass the wire for the MG995 Metal Gear Servo that is attached to the Lysol Servo Bracket through the bottom front hole in the wall dividing the enclosure.
Attach Lysol Servo Bracket to SG90 Servo using the included screw.
Load Lysol Into Holder and And Attach to Lysol Servo Bracket

Place the Lysol can into the Lysol Can Holder.
Attach the Lysol Can Holder to the Lysol Servo Bracket using four M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screws.
Attach Arm to Servo Gear

Attach the arm to the round MG995 gear adapter using four M1.2 x5mm Phillips Head Micro Screws.
Attach the round gear adapter with the arm attached to the MGS995 servo.
Mount MG995 in Left Side of Enclosure

Mount the MG995 servo with the arm attached to the enclosure using four M3 x16mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts and four M3 Nuts.
Mount Arduino and Servo Board to Bracket

Attach the Arduino Uno to the Arduino Bracket using four M3 Nylon Standoffs Male to Female 6mm+6mm and four M3 x6mm Nylon Screws.
Attach the Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver to the Arduino Bracket using four M3 Nylon Standoffs Male to Female 6mm+6mm, four M3 Nylon Nuts, and four M3 x6mm Nylon Screws.
Upload the Arduino Sketch Onto the Arduino
Download the attached sketch and upload it onto the Arduino.
Connect Servos to Servo Board
Connect the SG90 servo to channel 0 on the Servo Board.
Connect the MG995 Metal Gear Servo mounted to the Lysol Servo Bracket to channel 1 on the Servo Board.
Connect the MG995 Metal Gear Servo with the arm mounted to it to channel 2 on the Servo Board.
Wire the Servo Board to the Arduino

Connect the Servo Board to the Arduino as shown in the wiring diagram.
Left Lid Assembly
Connect the Door Lid to the Left Lid using two M3 x12mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts and two M3 Nuts.
Solder ~8 cm of 22g solid core hookup wire to the MTS-101 2 Terminal 2 Position SPST Mini Miniature Toggle Switch.
Push the MTS-101 2 Terminal 2 Position SPST Mini Miniature Toggle Switch through the hole in the left lid and secure it in place with the included nut.
Connect the wires from the MTS-101 2 Terminal 2 Position SPST Mini Miniature Toggle Switch to pins 13 and GND on the Arduino.
Connect the USB Battery Bank to the Servo Board
Connect the 5V wire of the USB port to the V+ terminal of the Servo Board and the Ground wire of the USB port to the GND terminal of the Servo Board.
Attach Right Lid
Unfold a paper clip to use as the hinge for the Right Lid.
Attach the Right Lid to the Enclosure using the paper clip hinge.
Attach Left Lid
Attach the Left Lid to the enclosure using four M3 x20mm Hex Socket Flat Head Countersunk Bolts and four M3 Nuts.