COVID-19 WHO Dashboard

This instructables show how to use ESP8266/ESP32 and LCD to build a COVID-19 situation WHO dashboard.
Data Source: WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard

The project data source is come from The World Health Organization (WHO) Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard:
Hardware Preparation

ESP8266/ESP32 Dev Board
Any ESP8266/ESP32 Dev Board should be ok.
LCD Display
Any Arduino_GFX supported LCD is ok, you may find currently supported display at GitHub readme:
Any breadboard that can fit for the ESP Dev Board and LCD Display.
Jumper Wire
Some Jumper Wires, depends on the dev board and LCD pins layout. In most case 6-9 male to female jumper wires are enough.
Hardware Assembly

Push the ESP32 Dev Board on the breadboard and connect LCD with jumper wires.
Here are the sample connection summary:
ESP8266 -> LCD
Vcc -> Vcc GND -> GND GPIO 15 -> CS GPIO 5 -> DC (if available) RST -> RST GPIO 14 -> SCK GPIO 12 -> MISO (optional) GPIO 4 -> LED (if available) GPIO 13 -> MOSI / SDA
ESP32 -> LCD
Vcc -> Vcc GND -> GND GPIO 5 -> CS GPIO 16 -> DC (if available) GPIO 17 -> RST GPIO 18 -> SCK GPIO 19 -> MISO (optional) GPIO 22 -> LED (if available) GPIO 23 -> MOSI / SDA
Software Preparation
Arduino IDE
Download and install Arduino IDE if you are not yet do it:
ESP8266 Support
Follow the Installation Instructions to add ESP8266 support if you are not yet do it:
ESP32 Support
Follow the Installation Instructions to add ESP32 support if you are not yet do it:
Arduino_GFX Library
Download latest Arduino_GFX libraries: (press "Clone or Download" -> "Download ZIP")
Import libraries in Arduino IDE. (Arduino IDE "Sketch" Menu -> "Include Library" -> "Add .ZIP Library" -> select downloaded ZIP file)
Compile & Upload
- Download the program at GitHub: (press "Clone or Download" -> "Download ZIP")
- Open COVID-19_WHO_Dashboard.ino with Arduino IDE
- Fill your WiFi AP settings into SSID_NAME and SSID_PASSWORD
- If you are not using ILI9341 LCD, comment out line 125 and uncomment the correct LCD class declaration
- Connect ESP Dev Board to computer
- Press Upload button to compile and upload the program to the ESP Dev Board

- who_adm0_url and who_adm0_new_conf_url is retrieving "China" figure, you can change the value near
"where=ADM0_NAME%3D%27China%27" to your country
- who_adm1_url is retrieving "Hong Kong SAR" figure, you can change the value near "where=ADM1_NAME%3D%27HONG+KONG+SAR%27" to your province, autonomous region, and municipality
- Arduino_GFX library support many size LCDs, the font sizes auto change according to the screen size. I have tested in ST7735 (128 x 160), ILI9341 (240 x 320), ST7796 (320 x 480). You may need make some adjustments for other screen size.
WHO dashboard figures are according to Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports:
The figures are update in daily basis and expected have some delay.
Happy Quarantine!

This is the time to avoid social contact and stay at home :(
This is also the best time to study on electronics, programming and IoT!