Butter Robot

by dinochen1983 in Circuits > Arduino

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Butter Robot

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Butter Robot From Rick and Morty (Robot DIY Arduino Project)

Rick and Morty is still my favorite American TV series. The last time I made Rick's portal gun, this time I will do a bigger project, which is the butter robot. I think a fan of Rick and Morty and a Maker will definitely make the most popular robot in this show. The following are the modeling and design drawings of Butter Robot.

Build 3d Model


I use 3dsmax to build the 3d model, the robot divide into 3 parts: head(with robot arm), cart, and slim body.
(1) head, the main part of the circuit, and Arduino hide inside the head.
(2) cart, two motor and 4x1.5V battery inside
(3) body: servo and the connection which connect head and body

Prepare the Material


This robot need the Arduino mini size, and need one DRV8833 chip to control motors.
Here is the list:

1. 9V battery for Arduino chip
2. Arduino Mini
3. Two switches, one for Arduino, one for motors
4. 1 LED light
5. 1 Servo
6. Two motors (yellow)
7. One IR controller and receiver
8. DRV8833 chip to control motor
9. 3d printer to print

3D Printing


print all the parts from the 3dsmax model
some color is difficult to find, so I use silver color to spray the parts.

Download the STL file Here: model.stl


Setup the Circuit


Basically, adopt the basic combination of ARDUINO example tutorials

(1) Infrared receiving circuit (add a LED to display status)
(2) Steering gear circuit (Arduino direct control)
(3) Yellow Motor circuit (using DRV8833 board) As shown in the figure below, the connection of the entire circuit is realized by welding the wires and the hole plate. The completed figure is as follows.



Module assembly:
Glue the components, and use super glue to connect some components, as shown in the figure below. Other parts do not need to be connected by glue, just use M3X10 spiral connection. Among them, the two wires on the head are decorative and have no function.

Coding Arduino


Step 6, write the programming code of ARDUINO

Write code to the ARDUINO board. This code is the ARDUINO board to read infrared signals. The code realizes the rotation of the motor and the action of the steering gear. The download method is as follows:

[Click to download the Arduino code file you need]

Click to download this file arduino.txt
