Burn Bootloader and Firmware on Ender3

by Amit_Jain in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Burn Bootloader and Firmware on Ender3


Many of us, have an Ender 3 printer. It works amazing for an entry-level 3d printer. I got mine 2 years back with an 8-bit board and never felt any need to upgrade the firmware.

Until, I wanted to experiment with Octoprint but to my surprise, it does not support the stock firmware that comes with the 3D Printer. It is a must to upgrade the firmware to marlin...

I started with my research and noticed few hurdles that I needed to solve

  • Cannot upgrade firmware over USB cable
  • Need USB ISP or Arduino to update firmware
  • Need a boot-loader, where to get that one from?
  • Connections to board sound scary
  • What if I brick my printer?
  • All tutorials available were not up to date

So in this tutorial, I will share how to burn a bootloader using an Arduino nano and then upgrade the firmware using a USB cable directly connected to the printer. It sounds scary at first, but it is not.

I was pleasantly surprised by how simple and quick this was...



  • Arduino IDE
  • Marlin 1.x source code
  • Drivers for Arduino Nano
  • Board manager for Sanguino
  • u8Lib


  • Arduino Nano
  • Jumper wire
  • USB cable
  • PC with Windows

Gather Info

  • Before we start anything we need to get the details of the board
  • To get the same open the 3d printer and take some close-up photos
  • Mine was 1.1.4V with Atmega1284p 8-bit board
  • Based on personal experience, I could not compile Marlin 2.x for my 8bit board. So I recommend using Marlin 1.x
  • There is no separate software for the bootloader that one can find on the internet. It is included as part of Arduino ide ( with Sanguino board lib)

Prepare Marlin Code


Prepare Arduino IDE

  • Go to https://www.arduino.cc/en/software and download the latest ide based on your OS
  • Connect the Arduino nano to the PC via a USB cable, in a few minutes the drivers for USB chip is automatically loaded
  • Go to https://www.arduinolibraries.info/libraries/u8glib and download the latest lib zip
  • In Arduino IDE Menu, "Sketch" > "Include Library" > "add .Zip Library", select the downloaded zip file and press open
  • The u8glib library will be installed and added to ide
  • In Arduino IDE Menu, "Files" > "Preferences", add additional board manager https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Lauszus/Sanguino/master/package_lauszus_sanguino_index.json
  • Press OK/save and close the preferences window
  • Under "Tools" > "Board" > "Board Manager", install sanguino board
  • You may have to restart Arduino ide for all lib and boards to load
  • Connect the 3d printer and PC using a USB cable, so that the usb drivers are also installed (optional)

Burn Bootloader Using Nano

  • Disclaimer: Once you burn the bootloader, it will overwrite your current firmware.
  • Connect Arduino nano to PC via a USB cable and burn ArduinoISP code on it
  • Make connections as shown in the picture between ISP pinouts of the ender3 and nano
  • Change the IDE settings
  • Board: Sanguino
  • Processor: ATmega1284p
  • Port: Based on the com port detected
  • Programer: ArduinoISP
  • Under "Tools"> "Burn Bootloader"
  • Within a few seconds the bootloader is written on the ender3 board
  • Our bigger hurdle is now solved.
  • Disconnect Arduino nano

Upgrade Marlin Firmware

  • Connect ender 3 via a USB cable to your pc, in few minutes the latest driver for the USB / board i installed and ready for use
  • Go to folder C:\Temp\Marlin-1.1.x\Marlin
  • Open Marlin.ino, this, in turn, opens Arduino IDE.
  • Verify files Configuration_adv.h and Configuration.h, are for ender3
  • If you want recovery post power loss, enable it as shown
  • Compile the firmware to make sure there are not errors
  • If successful, write the new firmware to ender 3
  • Disconnect the USB cable. restart the printer
  • Initialize EPROM
  • Voila we have Marlin firmware on our ender 3, ready to use


  • The steps are easier than I originally thought
  • The main hurdle is the bootloader, once that is solved, one can upgrade firmware anytime
  • Marlin 2.x should not be used on old 8bit boards
  • Marlin 1.1.9 is bit laggy and downgraded it to Marlin 1.1.4 from Creality's website https://www.creality3dofficial.com/pages/firmware-download
  • I discovered that "Recover on power loss" in Marlin is buggy, even for completed prints, it gave me the option to resume print. So I disabled it and connected my printer on a UPS :)

Please share suggestions/feedback