Bunny Rabbit Hoodie
I saw a cute bunny hoodie online and really wanted it but the thought that I could easily make my own and it would cost less too. This hoodie cost $14.95 and fabric I had around my apartment. Any old hoodie will do I just didn't have any old ones.
I hope you enjoy this instructable, I had a blast making this hoodie.
Materials and Tools
thread (different colours depending on the colours you choose)
sewing needle
marker (not shown)
hoodie (any colour or pattern)
fleece (any colour)
fake fur (optional) (any colour)
Start of Ears
Your Hoodie should be double layered. If not try and find a matching colour for the back side of the ears, the colour should match your hoodie. Cut the inside layer out of the hood following along the seem where the pull string is but not cutting into where the pull string is.
I will leave the rest of the ears for later.
Hood Lining
Using the inside lining of the hood you cut out, cut that into 3 pieces, the two sides and the middle. Lay those out on the fabric you are using to line your hood with and trace. Makes sure you are tracing the correct side of the fabric so you don't end up with 2 right sides of the hood instead of a left, right, and middle.
Hand sew the new lining pieces together so they form the shape of the hood. If you are not using fake fur you can use a machine but I find that doesn't really work out well with fur.
Back to the Ears
I'm sorry. I totally forgot to take pictures of this step but it's an easy one so it's okay.
Take the lining you cut out of the hood and cut two bunny ear shapes out of them. Take your fleece, and using the ear shapes you already cut out cut two more. Sew them together inside out and flip right side out. Pin them to the back of your hood and find the right spots for them then sew them on.
I thought I'd take this lack of picture time to put up some of my old bunny friends. Rainbow is the one eating my school project and White Rabbit (insert Jefferson Airplane) is the white one.
I also put a picture of the finished ears up.
Lining the Hood
Take the fake fur lining you made and sew it along the inside of your hood where you cut the original lining out.
Take some strips of fleece and pin them along the opening of the front pockets. Sew them in place.
Take some fleece and sew it into a cuff shape (circle). Sew this to the cuff of the sleeves then fold the end of the cuffs over and sew for a nice finish. If you wish you can cut thumb holes too, just find the proper place for you thumb and cut a hold and sew along the edges of the hole.
You're Finished Your Bunny Hoodie!!
All that is left is to enjoy your bunny hoodie as I'm enjoying mine.