Bunny Jack O'Lantern Reflector

Safety before creepy! This creepy reflector is perfect for halloween!
- Scissors
- Detail knife
- 3D printer / printer / paper and pen
- minigrip bag
- peace of orange reflector
- srting
Here Is Your Template
Draw Outlines to the Reflector With the Template

You can print the template with 3d printer, or with regular printer and then transfer it to the cardboard plate, or you can just draw the template to the cardboard plate.
Use the template you have done, to draw the outlines to the reflector.
Take a Look of Your Masterpiece

Cut and Glue

Cut the reflector, and glue it on the template. (cut of the bunny and replace it with paper and draw the details like you prefer)
Cut the Remainings

cut the remaining reflector to small peaces

Connect the reflector to srting and put everything in the minigrip bag. Seal the bag with the srting and now your reflector is ready