Building a 0.5mm LED

In this Instructable, I show you how to build a 0.5mm LED
Get Some "Mini TOPLED" LEDS (or Any That Contain a Blue LED)

In this case a have a 2mm Mini TOPLED, but can work any SMD LED (with soft resin).
Getting the Die Chip

Mount the LED in a PCB soldering the pins.
Cut the edge for expose the resin.
Remove the resin with care (try to not damage the Die chip).
Clean the Die chip removing the rest of resin an the gold wires (don't remove the gold pads).
Tinning the LED Pads

In this case I used a solder paste (for stencil); It has a little balls of solder.
Put a little of paste on the gold pads.
Approached the tip of the soldering iron to the paste an melt It.
Adding the Wires

For an old relay or any coil that have a fine copper wire, take the wire and tinning them.
Put the end of the wire near of the pads and hold It.
Again, approached the tip of the soldering iron for melt the solder.
The wires is soldered.
Remove the Die chip for the LED pad.
Testing the LED

Tinning the end of the wires for connect It to a 3V battery.
If the LED doesn't turn on, try to rotate the battery, may be the terminals are inverted.
The 0.5mm LED Is Ready

Now you have the most little LED in the world, and you can use It for any project.
Take It easy, this kind of LED are delicate, handle with care.
Do not turn on with more than 3V, It can burn the Die LED or the heat can desolder the wires.