Build an ESP Everywhere! Kickstarter Special

by seanhodgins in Circuits > Electronics

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Build an ESP Everywhere! Kickstarter Special


The "ESP Everywhere" is an ESP8266 connected to an FTDI mounted on a special "Kickstarter Edition" PCB. Its small form factor allows you to keep it on a keychain and so you can bring your ESP8266 everywhere; hence the name. It has a small connector that allows you to access 5 GPIOS, and one ADC pin. The FTDI means you can plug it right into your computer, find the Serial Port, and start playing around right away!

This project is Open Source and available on HackADay.IO here:

Watch the Video!

ESP Everywhere - Make/100 Special - Kickstarter Too!

Yes, this is a Kickstarter Video right now, but it explains why I'm making the ESP Everywhere, and what it does. There will be more videos about it after I assemble the Make/100 for my 100 Lucky Backers! and some how-to on it.

Get the Parts and Components


I am currently running a Kickstarter Here:

and they will be up on Tindie Afterwords, If you want to buy a circuit board, ESP8266 module and/or protective back, check out the Kickstarter before it ends!



  • Soldering Iron
  • Toaster Over(for reflow)
  • Solder Paste
  • Solder

Apply Solder Paste


Place Components!


Solder in Toaster Oven


Test Board!


Now that it is soldered you can test it out. The FTDI should be recognized by your computer when you plug it in which on windows it will create a COM port.

You can use the Arduino IDE to program the board and see if it is working! There are plenty of online tutorials to show you how. This one gives you lots of info:

Blink an LED and BreakoutBoard!


The board itself has an LED attached to GPIO13, you can program the ESP Everywhere with the simple "Blink" program and see if its working!

I built a breakout board that is available in the project as well. You can order it with the main circuit board, or order it yourself with the GitHub stuff. It breaks out the 8-pin JST SH connector on the ESP Everywhere. This allows you to use the GPIOs on board the ESP8266!

Attach to Keychain!


You can attach this right to your keychain and take it with you Everywhere! There is also a protective back that will be available on Shapeways(currently BETA) and the Kickstarter backers who purchase one.

Talk About Makers!


The goal of this project was not just to create another ESP8266 board, we know there are a lot of them out there. It was to create something you could take around with you and create discussions about makers, open source, and DIY. The Kickstarter Make/100 campaign was aimed at creating more makers, giving them a reason to make something. This was my support towards this campaign and Kickstarter.

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