Build a Tablet Binder With the Raspberry Pi

by Pure Carbon in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Build a Tablet Binder With the Raspberry Pi

How to Build a Tablet Binder with the Raspberry Pi -- Pure Carbon

Hello world, Pure Carbon here with another instructable. Today I will show you how to build a tablet binder hybrid which you can use for school, work, play, etc. This project is based around the Raspberry pi which if you don't already know is a credit card sized computer that costs around $35. This computer, originally designed to teach kids programing, but has been used in all sorts of different projects ranging from home automation to cameras. The Pi has also been to space and has explored open waters of the ocean. Todays project has been a work in progress for some time now and has required lots of planning before making it a reality, and its not done! I plan on removing the binder part and just make it a tablet. I have designed an enclosure for it already which will have more features then this project like a camera and a kickstand once I purchase 3d printer.

Thank you for all your support, and tips to help me improve my instructables. Without you guys I wouldn't be doing this right now, you can expect many more Instructables in the future so don't forget to follow me and/or favorite this instructable. If you have any question or concern then be sure to comment, or if you just want tell me how awesome this is, that's fine too! Here it is, hope you enjoy it, thank you.

Required Materials


To build this you will need the following:




  • Soldering skills
  • Wiring skills
  • Knowledge of the pi

Gutting the Front Pocket


I started by completely gutting out the front pocket of the binder, this is where all the circuitry will go. Originally inside the pocket was a bunch of dividers that were probably meant to keep letters and notes organized, but screw organization Lets cram it full of chaotic wires that will confuse any technologically illiterate person!

Removing Components


Moving over to the pi, I removed all the large components keeping the Ethernet port and the headphone jack. The USB ports can be kept and used as well, but I had an old USB hub that I decided would be flatter and easier to work with, so I diched the ports and now they rest at the bottom of some component container underneath my desk.

Soldering Wires On


I then took my now component free Pi and soldered wires to all the holes leaving on of the USB spots open for the Wi-Fi dongle. I then took apart the Wi-Fi dongle and soldered wires to it so I could solder it to the pi giving me Wi-Fi whenever I use the tablet.

Soldering All the Ports On


In this step I soldered all the components to the wires being cautious of all the connections that had to be made. I started with the headphone jack because it was the easiest to do and it would get my hands warmed up for the other components. Then I moved on to the USB hub which I took apart and soldered wires to. Then finally I soldered on the Ethernet port, this had the most connections so I took my time and had to redo it once or twice, but I eventually got it right.

Adding Wi-Fi


Next I soldered on the Wi-Fi dongle to the board in the spare USB port that I didn't solder anything to.



Next I plugged everything in just to make sure It still worked. As you can see in the picture It works just fine.

Cutting a Hole for the Screen


I then cut a large hole in the front panel for the screen to shine through. I did this by laying the screen on the front panel then I traced it out using a marker. Then I took a knife and began cutting out the hole, and I finished it up with a pair of scissors.

Attaching the Screen


Next I opened up the front panel and positioned the screen so that the light would shine through the hole I cut in the last step, then using some tape I secured it the binder. If you decide to build this you don't have to use tape, I just used it because it was what I had readily available to me. I would recommend using screws or bolts to hold it in place because that will be more stable.

USB and Ethernet Ports


As you can see here I cut holes in the side for the Ethernet port and the USB ports. they surprisingly stayed in place, so I didn't need to use any glue or tape to secure it.

Finishing It Up


I finished it up by plugging everything in and cramming it all into the small box that is the binder. Once it was all in I turned it on and it worked great. Now I have a functional computer with all my papers.

Future Design


I would like to turn this project into a full blown tablet, which I have already designed an enclosure for it as you can see in the picture above. I will be purchasing a 3D printer soon, so that will give me the ability to make a wider variety of Instructables in the future, so be sure to stay tuned for that.

Like I said earlier if you have any comments, questions, or concerns then leave them in the comment section down below and I will be more than happy to respond. If you like this then please be sure to subscribe to me here and to my YouTube channel for more awesome content like this. there is link on my page to it so be sure to check it out. Thank you for checking out my Instructable and be sure to favorite this and vote for me in the Raspberry pi contest, once again thank you.