Build a PVC Baby Walker

DIY Baby Walker – perfect for lively infants and worn-out parents alike!
Baby walkers are designed to assist babies and toddlers in developing their movement and walking abilities. Tailored for a seated position, these devices enable infants to enhance their motor coordination within a confined, safe space.
Furthermore, many babies enjoy the freedom of moving across the floor without the need to crawl constantly.
Our baby walker design is simple to build, and the robust 11/4 PVC ensures durability under pressure.
Ideal for: babies learning to walk (and for worn out parents with babies that may need a break)
Ready to build yours? Great! Just check out the DIY build guide and diagrams below to get started.
A note before starting -
Please understand - the below diagrams are genuinely and carefully designed to help you navigate the build process. However, we don’t include specific recommendations for which tools, hardware, and products to use, and so on. These truly are “DIY” designs.
We do, however, have a few generic recommendations for working with PVC.
Please, make sure that any tools you use are designed for PVC. If you find yourself needing to cut or drill, please use PVC-appropriate bits and saws.
Gluing is a popular, fast, and effective method for attaching PVC pipe and tubing. Please ensure that any epoxy, cement, or glue you use is appropriate for both the materials and for your intended uses. And as always, please be safe!
Ready to build yours?
- 7 1 1/4" Tube - 12" Length PVC - Standard PVC
- 1 1 1/4" Tube - 11.97" Length PVC - Standard PVC
- 4 1 1/4" Tube - 17" Length PVC - Standard PVC
- 3 1 1/4" Tube - 7.5" Length PVC - Standard PVC
- 5 1 1/4" Tube - 7.27" Length PVC - Standard PVC
- 4 1-1/4" 3-Way Outlet Slip PVC PVC - Standard PVC
- 8 1-1/4" Tee Female Slip PVC PVC - Standard PVC
- 4 1-1/4" 90° Elbow Slip PVC PVC - Standard PVC
- 4 1-1/4" Caster Fitting Slip PVC PVC - Standard PVC
- 4 3" Wheel Accessory - Mixed
Let’s Start With the Walker’s Wheels

First up: the wheels (x4).
Each wheel assembly for your baby walker is made out of three parts. Based on the diagram above, gather the following parts (x4), and then put together your 3-way outlet, caster fitting and 3” wheel. You should do this for each wheel assembly like in the picture above.
After completion, you can set aside the assembled wheels until the final step. This will also allow any cement or glue applied to dry properly.
Building the Base Frame of the Baby Walker

Next up: the base frame.
IMPORTANT: Prior to permanently attaching the pieces in this stage, it is essential to verify that the "tee" joints align correctly with the angles required for connection to the top frame at a later stage.
This implies that you should assemble your bottom frame in a preliminary manner and then do the same for your top frame (refer to step 3 below). Subsequently, connect these two frames (refer to step 4) before securing everything permanently with cement.
Also, it is advisable to build your base frame in separate "halves." By doing so, you can independently create each "half" and subsequently join them together. Refer to the provided diagram for guidance: build one half of the base frame first and then proceed to construct the next.
When you’ve connected them (without gluing everything), feel free to set the completed frame aside for the time being.
Let’s Build the Walker’s Top Frame

Let’s do the top frame!
You’ll want to make the top frame just like you made the bottom one. Also please don’t cement it together until you’ve ensured that your “tee” joints are the proper angle to join up with your bottom frame (see Step 4 below).
First, use the diagram above to gather the necessary pieces. Then, build your top frame in two “halves.” Once your top frame is complete, move on to the next step.
Put Together De PVC Baby Walker

We are almost done!
By now, you should have two completely assembled frames, one for the top and one for the bottom. Utilize the diagram provided, and use 17" PVC tubes to link your top and bottom frames. After connecting them, you can disassemble each piece individually to apply cement and/or glue for permanent placement.
As an alternative approach, you may opt to cement one half of each frame separately and then insert each cemented half into the respective "tee" joints. Regardless of your chosen method, ensure to attach the wheels upon completion.
And please, remember to let your new baby walker dry/cure properly before using it.
You’re done!
Did you enjoy this PVC project?.
We hope You and your baby have a wonderful adventure!
Design Your Own Baby Walker

If you want to make any adjustments to this PVC Baby Walker, remember you can always visit our design app for DIYers and create your own project for Wood, PVC, Aluminum, or T-Slot Aluminum.
Is there any design you would like to see? Please leave us a comment.
Thank you for reading and watching the video!