Build a Giant Cup of Hot Chocolate/Coffee Car- Use W/ Parades, Wheelchair-Sports, Adaptive Athletics, Tail-Gate Parties, Teaching, STEM, SponsorEvents
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Build a Giant Cup of Hot Chocolate/Coffee Car- Use W/ Parades, Wheelchair-Sports, Adaptive Athletics, Tail-Gate Parties, Teaching, STEM, SponsorEvents

This is my entry into the Anything Goes Contest 2024 and I will share how I constructed a Giant Cup of Hot Chocolate CAR for a Christmas Parade on a small budget. Similar projects have run into spending $1000 - $2000. In fact my goal is to spend less than $50 of my own money. And Have FUN. This entry has been built in a short time with more construction to go before the parade in less than two weeks. I did all the planning, construction and testing as an individual. I recycled the plywood, the wheelchair, even the 3/8" bolts from the area. A video and animation will be coming in the near future. This project has to be able to be deconstructed in order to save space in between events. My Sponsor for the parade entry fee is
Los Hermanos Familia, 501(C) (3), is a collaborative group of
men, women, and youth who value God, family, and community.
OUR OBJECTIVE: "Strengthening Families, Building Community" Dec 7th 2024

Plywood Base Construction:
Open end box end wrenches
Adjustable Wrench
Jig Saw
Wire brush
Yardsticks - Also used for a compass with nails to draw a 24" radius circle for the base.
Tape Measure, Framing Square, Compass, Level, Try Square, Straight Edge or drafting T-Square
Cordless or corded portable drill, power cord.
3/8" spade bit
Leather Gloves
Clamps - Spring, Jorgensen, Bar, or C Clamps.
Pair of Sawhorses
Box Cutters, Scissors, Poster board.
Phillips Screwdriver, Straight Screwdriver, Ice Pic or Scratch Awl, Zip Ties, Med Plyers
Wood Glue
Claw Hammer
2 x 4 x 4 blocks (6)
Recycled 3/8 x 2" bolts, nylon lock nuts, washers from industrial spool
Awl, std screwdrivers, box cutter,
Cylinder -- 2 Sheets white corrugated plastic sheet 48" x 96" x 4 mm ($35 a@ Home depot) donated by sign company
Handle --- Corrugated plastic sheet, white, 24" x 48" x 10 mm
Manuel Wheelchair - on hand from garage sale ($10) Remove foot pads and O2 Bottle holders and other accessories.
Optional - Power Wheelchair option - Jazzy or almost any model will fit inside the 48" diameter space.
I use Publisher to make my signage. Canva or whatever you have access to.
Print at the school system print shop with a 48 " wide printer.
2" wide clear packaging tape
Zip ties - Clear & White
Explore & Brainstorm

Spend some time brainstorming and examining what other have been doing with similar projects.
Inventables On The Road - Acme Muffineering - Maker Faire 2013 3:08
How long does it take to build one? 2 weeks to 1 year
How much does it cost? $400 up to $1000-$1200
Cupcake Car Build Maker Faire San Diego .35
KRON Maker Faire Madnes Maker Faire San Diego 1:44
Make the Big Cup 48" Dia - Coroplast 4 MM and Top

1 For a 48" Diameter cylinder using Pi D to find circumference , we need 150.79 " linear feet of material (with no overlap).
Each 4' x 8' sheet is 96" long.
Sheet 1 no cutting is 96" long.
Add sheet 2 150.8 - 96 = 54.8 Measure and cut 54.8" leaving a leftover of 41.5.
Use this 41.5 x 48" piece for a top ring of the Cocoa. Cover with brown paper or faux leather. We ended up using a wardrobe type moving box to simulate the hot cocoa. Make a hole for the wheelchair operator to stick his/her head and shoulders out. Have him wear a brown shirt. Make a Marshmallow hat. Tonight he found a white beanie hat. Add some Styrofoam parts to simulate marshmallows floating in the cocoa. Have the team members sign the marshmallows with a marker if desired. The cat approves.
Make a Big Cup Handle - Coroplast 10 MM

Start with a 24" x 48" x 10 mm white corrugated plastic sheet and layout a desired handle shap.
Make 2 Rings 48"D X 2" X 10 MM Coroplast ( Used Election Sign) and 2 Rings 48.25" D X 4" X 4" or 3". I Used Green for This Part.

Cut 4 strips of 10 MM corrugated plastic and tape and hot glue so that PI *D = Circumference for the desire 48" D cup.
Make 2 rings 150.8" in circumference. I overlapped the ends and secured with tape and later with zip ties.
Attach the Big Cup to a Mobility Scooter

An old door hinge works well to make a hinge to allow people to get in and out without needed a crew to life the big Cup. Out model skipped this step. I can pick the Giant Cup of Hot Cocoa and place on top of the wood base. It iwas secured with 2 or more bungie cords.
Print and Attach a Graphics 24 " X 36" to Left, Right, and Front.


I made some signs with Publisher that are 48" x 36 big. The school system has a color 36" wide printer. The Athletic Dept will pay for the printing of 3 colorful signs. The QR code goes to a donation web site for Los Hermanos Familia, my sponsor for the Christmas Parade.
ATTACH a SMALL POWERCHAIR Get a HS Student to Drive the Gaint Wheelchair Cup of Cocoa

Tune it up and make it look good. Hook up some lights, batteries, keep some drywall screws and zip ties handy for any small repairs. Have Fun. We plan to have a high school wheel chair athelete "Drive" the Giant Hot Chocolate Car in a Parade on Dec 7th, '24.
'Face of the wheelchair program': Lubbock High's Issac Montoya continues to inspire
Isaac Montoya makes history as LISD's 1st para-athlete
Today is the deadline, 11/25/24 and we have some fine tuning to do. Watch for more photos & videos in 2 weeks.
Test Electronics, Lights, and Steering for Clearance

1 Test the APC 600 watt computer backup power supply to run 4 - 5 strings of LED snowflake lights. Make sure the heavy unit is secured for the safety of the driver. Use a garage with no lights or windows. Start with a full charge and measure how long the lights will work. The parade may take 1 to 1.5 hours.
2 Test the operation of the Go Go Scooter starting, stopping, backing, turning left, and turning right. Test the horn, Test the lock/unlock feature to put the cart in "Park".
3 If 12 VDC lead acid batteries are used, make sure they are secured and completely safe for the driver.
Photos of the Finished Project
Make and Send Thank-you Notes to the Sponsors
- Los Hermanos Familia, Christy Martinez Garcia paid the $75 entry fee to .
- Lubbock ISD Athletic Dir and Lubbock High School Coaches Juan Rodriguez and Hank Semler
- Delta Sign Company - donation of coroplast plastic sheets
- The Brace Yourself Store - donation of the use of a Go Go Ultra mobility scooter
- Affordable Storage 103rd & Frankfort
- LISD Materials Center - printing & laminating the signs
- Sunset Church of Christ - Parade Wranglers
- KCBD TV Lubbock for the live and recorded playback
- Isaac Montoya student athlete, Kathy Rodriguez, Mom and family