Build a Wagon Out of K'nex!!!
by nerfrocketeer in Living > LEGO & K'NEX
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Build a Wagon Out of K'nex!!!

It's your child's first day on the paper route! You both get up, hurriedly eat breakfast, and get ready to leave. Everything is going great-until you see the enormous stack of papers you have to deliver. Your spouse has already taken the car to work, and now you have no way of transporting the papers from house to house!
Wait! Not need to be disappointed! You can still build a nice wagon to carry the papers in!
"Out of what?" You ask?
K'nex! Surely your child has some K'nex in their room! In less than a half hour, you can build a medium sized wagon out of K'nex that will allow you to run the paper route with ease! So what are you waiting for? Start building!
NOTE: Throughout this Instructable, the placement of white rods is very important to the sturdiness of the wagon, so please place all white rods EXACTLY as shown in the pictures. Thank you!
Wait! Not need to be disappointed! You can still build a nice wagon to carry the papers in!
"Out of what?" You ask?
K'nex! Surely your child has some K'nex in their room! In less than a half hour, you can build a medium sized wagon out of K'nex that will allow you to run the paper route with ease! So what are you waiting for? Start building!
NOTE: Throughout this Instructable, the placement of white rods is very important to the sturdiness of the wagon, so please place all white rods EXACTLY as shown in the pictures. Thank you!

You will need:
-4 Tires
-4 Wheels
-36 White connectors
-18 Blue connectors
-30 Yellow connectors
-10 Green connectors
-44 Grey connectors
-27 Orange connectors
-2 Light grey connectors
-1 "Y" connector
-4 Red connectors
-5 Purple loop connectors
-8 Grey rods
-10 Red rods
-1 Blue rod
-58 Blue separators
-76 Grey separators
-104 White rods
-11 Blue caps
-2 Tan rotation locks
-3 Black caps
-196 Green rods
-4 Tires
-4 Wheels
-36 White connectors
-18 Blue connectors
-30 Yellow connectors
-10 Green connectors
-44 Grey connectors
-27 Orange connectors
-2 Light grey connectors
-1 "Y" connector
-4 Red connectors
-5 Purple loop connectors
-8 Grey rods
-10 Red rods
-1 Blue rod
-58 Blue separators
-76 Grey separators
-104 White rods
-11 Blue caps
-2 Tan rotation locks
-3 Black caps
-196 Green rods

Take a wheel and insert it into a tire. Repeat to get two complete wheels.
Axle: Part One

Insert a grey rod into one wheel.
Axle: Part Two

Add a grey separator to the grey rod. Next, add a green connector.
Axle: Part Three

Add three grey separators and a blue separator to the grey rod. Next, add a green connector. Repeat until there are five green connectors total on the grey rod. Make sure they are all facing the same direction!
Axle: Part Four

Add a grey separator to the top of the grey rod. Next, add the second wheel.
Red Rod

Add a red rod to the wheel piece as shown.
Wheels and Axles: Repeat

Repeat steps 2-7 to get two wheel pieces total. Notice the separators are going in opposite directions on each axle.
Bottom of Wagon: Part One

Take nine white connectors, and connect them using green rods. Repeat to get three pieces total. Next, connect the three pieces using green rods. Finally, fill in all spaces using white rods. Make sure that the white rods are exactly the same as in the picture!
Bottom of Wagon: Part Two

Take two grey connectors, and slide them together as shown. Repeat to get nine pieces. Next, connect the pieces using green rods. Repeat the process to get two rows total.
Bottom: Completion

Connect the grey rows to the main bottom of the wagon using green rods. Next, fill in all spaces using white rods. Make sure the white rods are exactly the same as in the picture!
Connecting the Wheels to the Bottom of the Wagon

Connect the bottom of the wagon to the wheel and axle pieces using green rods. Next, fill in spaces using white rods. Make sure they are exactly the same as in the picture!
Sides: Part One

Take five blue connectors and four white connectors. and set them exactly as shown. Next, connect them using green rods.
Sides: Part Two

Take nine yellow connectors, and connect them using green rods.
Sides: Part Three

Connect the two pieces you have just made using green rods.
Sides: Part Four

Take two grey connectors, and slide them together. Repeat to get two pieces. Next, connect them to the rest of the side using green rods.
Sides: Repeat

Repeat steps 13-16 to get two sides total.
Sides: Attaching

Attach the sides to the rest of the wagon using green rods. The blue connectors on each side should all be facing the same direction. Next, fill in all spaces using white rods. Make sure they are exactly the same as in the picture!

Take three yellow connectors and three blue connectors, and set them exactly as shown. Next, connect them using green rods.
Back: Attaching

Attach the back to the rest of the wagon using green rods. Next, fill in all spaces using white rods. Make sure they are exactly the same as in the picture!
Front: Part One

Take two light grey connectors, two yellow connectors, one white connector, and three blue connectors, and set them exactly as shown. Next, connect them using green rods. Then, add a white rod to the two light grey connectors. Finally, add a second white rod to the top of the white connector as shown.
Front: Part Two

Attach a yellow connector to a "Y" connector. Next, add it to the front piece as shown. Finally, add a blue cap and a black cap to the central white rod.
Front: Attaching

Attach the front to the rest of the wagon using green rods. Next, fill in all spaces with white rods. Make sure they are exactly the same as in the picture!
Corners: Part One

Take four white rods, and add them to each corner of the wagon.
Corners: Part Two

Take four red connectors, and attach them to each corner of the wagon using green rods. The white rods should come up through the red connectors.
Body of Wagon: Complete

At this point, the body of the wagon is complete. Check to make sure it looks like this.
Handle: Part One

Take an orange connector, and attach it to a grey rod. Next, add a grey separator and a blue separator to the rod. Then, add another orange connector. Repeat the pattern until there are eight orange connectors on the grey rod. Then, add two more grey separators, and a final orange connector.
Handle: Part Two

Take a second grey rod, and add grey and blue separators in the same sequence as on the original grey rod. Next, attach it to the other end of the orange connectors, making sure all of the separators correspond.
Handle: Part Three

Add a yellow connector to the end of the handle piece. Next, insert a white rod through the yellow connector and the first orange connector. Then, add two more yellow connectors to the white rod. They should be upside-down of the original yellow connector.
Handle: Part Four

Repeat steps 27-29 to get two handle pieces. Note that the second piece has a different separator/connector sequence, which is shown more closely in the second picture.
Handle: Part Five

Connect the two handle pieces together at the yellow connectors. Make sure the yellow connectors are still level with each other! (One handle piece should be upside down from the other).
Handle: Part Six

Make a third handle piece as shown. Next, add two purple loop connectors to the ends of the grey rods. Then, attach the piece to the other two handle pieces, making sure the two pieces on the end are at the same level.
Handle: Part Seven

Take a red rod and attach it to a purple loop connector. Next, insert it down the end (through the orange connectors) of the handle piece with the other loop connectors.
Handle: Part Eight

Take two orange caps, and attach them to the red rod. Repeat five more times down the red rod. Next, add two tan rotation locks to the last segment of the red rod.
Handle: Part Nine

Take seven red rods, and attach them to two blue connectors. Next, insert one of the red rods through the purple loop connectors at the end of the main handle piece.
Handle: Complete

At this point, the handle is complete. Check to make sure it looks like this.
Handle Connector

Take a blue rod, and attach it to a black cap. Next, slide a purple loop connector onto the rod. Then, slide four blue connectors on. After that, slide a second purple loop connector onto the rod. Finally, add a second black cap.
Handle Connector: Attaching

Move two blue separators to each side of the blue rod. Next, attach the blue rod to the yellow connector on the front of the wagon (step 22).
Attaching the Handle

Attach the handle by connecting the purple loop connectors on the handle connector to the grey rods at the end of the handle.

Congratulations!!! Your K'nex wagon is complete!!! Have fun rolling around the neighborhood!