Buccle Gym

As a student to participate in this contest to make a gym for the James Develin's student design challenge I propose my gym design i used the idea of this gym for a person that likes to run and workout its quite simple and very easy to get around the gym has big brick walls to cancel out outside noise so people can focus on working out then the getting distracted from the people outside.
3D-design tinkercad
Buccle Gym First Floor

When you walk into the building to the left is the gym and to the right is the cafeteria while also in the gym theres a locker room at the top of the gym for girls and boys
Buccle Gym Second Floor
The second floor includes a big track,pool,and a basketball court I see in this is people that play all sports can come here to get work either workout on there body or just work on there skills for there sports plus the pool gives it that little cool down from working out just to blow off some steam and to just relax your muscles
The Outside

The outside of my gym is pretty plain besides my big sign on the gym i really didnt know what to go with for the outside but the outside i made it try to look old fashion like old brick and plain roof so when they walk inside its nice and big for people to be able to get work in it can really attach to the human eye
Thats my gym submission for this contest I have never done this before so doing this was a difficult time for me to learn but i got it real quick to learn how to do it i loved doing this it was really a lot of fun to do ecstatically making the inside that was fun to make cause of all the details to make id say this contest was overall really enjoyable and interesting.