Bringin' Back the Boombox!

by tomorrow_today in Circuits > Audio

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Bringin' Back the Boombox!

What happened to the good ole days of taking the boombox out and listening to music with your friends, family, coworkers or the neighborhood on a sunny day?  It's all been lost to the iPod generation.  Too many people plug into their mp3 players and by doing so shut the world out.  They don't share their music and the world can't share music with them.  What a terribly antisocial platform!  It's time to bring back the social side of music!  Unfortunately the classic ghettoblasters are all gone, but you can follow this tutorial and build a no-frills, portable boombox that will play any 1/8inch stereo input (Walkman, CD or mp3 player).

Tools and Safety

Notice: This tutorial makes the assumption that you know how to safely use the power-tools and hand-tools listed below. Only use a tool if you can do so safely!

Notice: This tutorial requires you to do some simple soldering.

Safety goggles
Table saw
Band saw
Dremel circle cutting attachment
Wood awl
3/32 inch drill bit
1/8 inch drill bit
1/2 inch drill bit
2 or 3 bar clamps
Tape measure
Phillips head screw driver
Sand paper
12V trickle battery charger
Soldering iron
Helping hand (optional)
Wire Stripper
Crimping tool or pliers
Permanent pen
Small flat-head screwdriver
Voltmeter (optional)

Material List

It is highly recommend that you use as much scrap wood and on-hand materials as possible. It shouldn't be too hard to modify instructions for speakers or an old bag strap you have laying around.  You might even consider cutting and stripping an old Ethernet or audio cable for the wire requirements.  In step 9, an old card is used as a mounting plate.  All these things add up to helping the environment and your wallet.

1 24" by 48" 5-ply birch plywood
1 24" by 24" 3-ply birch plywood
24 6x3/4"  wood screws
7-9 6x1/2" wood screws
2 208x1-3/8" screw eyes (buy local to make sure your strap's clasps will fit)
1 12V 4.5Ah sealed lead acid battery (closest I could find to the battery I use)
1 pkg Industrial Velcro tape
1 spent gift-card
1 pair Pioneer car speakers TSAA1372R
1 messenger bag strap
1 41hz AMP6-Basic (fully assembled)
1 male to male 1/8inch stereo cable
4 self-sticking cushion feet
1 2.5mm by 5.5mm by 9.5mm (size N) DC power plug
1 1ft lengths of red stranded 20gauge wire.
1 1ft lengths of black stranded 20gauge wire.
2 1/4" female disconnect terminals

Solder and Assemble Electronics

Picture 430.jpg
Picture 431.jpg
Tools for this step:
Soldering iron
Helping hand (optional)
Wire Stripper
Crimping tool or pliers

Materials for this step:
1 2.5mm by 5.5mm by 9.5mm (size N) DC power plug
1 1ft lengths of red stranded 20gauge wire.
1 1ft lengths of black stranded 20gauge wire.
2 1/4" female disconnect terminals
1 41hz AMP6-Basic (fully assembled)

Notice: Solder in a well-ventilated area.  Solder fumes are not good for you even if you use lead-free solder.

Solder the Power Plug:
3-A1. Get the 1 ft pieces of red and black 20guage wire.
3-B1. Strip 3/8in off both ends of each wire with the wire stripper.
3-C1. Unscrew the black housing from the DC power plug.
3-D1. Solder the red wire to the shorter tab and the black wire to the longer tab.
3-E1. Wait for the solder to cool, and slide the housing over the wires and screw it back onto the plug.

Attach the Terminals:
If you have a crimping tool:
3-A2. Insert a wire end of one of the wires into to the plastic end of a female disconnect terminal.
3-B2. Use the crimping tool to secure the wire to the terminal. (how to crimp)
3-C2. Repeat 3-A2 and 3-B2 for the other wire.

If you have pliers:
3-A3. Use a pair of pliers to remove the plastic insulation from a female disconnect terminal
3-B3. Insert the stripped end of one of the wires into to the narrow end of the female disconnect terminal.
3-C3. Use the pliers to squeeze the narrow end of the terminal until it holds the wire firmly.
3-D3. Solder the wire inside the narrow end like shown below.
3-E3. Let the solder cool and repeat steps 3-A3 through 3-D3.

3-A4. follow the instructions provided by 41hz to assemble and test the amplifier.

Cut and Prepare Box Pieces

Tools for this step:
Safety goggles
Table saw
Band saw
Wood awl
Tape measure

Materials for this step:
1 24" by 48" 5-ply birch plywood
1 24" by 24" 3-ply birch plywood

Notice: Use a band saw to cut warped wood.  A table saw can catch in warped wood and throw it with deadly force.

4-A. Measure the thicknesses of the wood you use and put those dimensions in equations given below.  If you have any questions about this, please leave a comment.

4-B. Cut out and label each wood panel and strip according to the letter assigned below. These letters are used to refer to panels and strips in later steps.

[A] Top panel:
18" by 7" from the 5-ply sheet.
Refer to image below on where to mark center points for 7 holes.

[B] Front panel:
18" by 9" from the 5-ply sheet.
Refer to image below on where to mark center points for 12 holes.

[C] Side panels:
7" by (9 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)" from the 5-ply sheet
Refer to image below on where to mark a center point and drill one 1/8" hole.

[D] Bottom panel:
18" by 7" from the 5-ply sheet.
Refer to image below on where to mark center points for 7 holes.

[E] Rear panel:
(18 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)" by (9 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)" from the 3-ply sheet
Notice: Don't mark any center points for the rear panel until step 6.

Inset strips:
All inset pieces are from the 5-ply sheet.  Cut 1" strips from the long side of the sheet, then cut them with a miter saw.
[F] 2  1" by (18 - [5-ply thickness] * 4)"
[G] 2  1" by (7 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)"                                             
[H] 2  1" by (18 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)" 
[I] 2  1" by (9 - [5-ply thickness] * 2)" 
Refer to images below on where to mark points for holes.

Cut Speaker Holes

Picture 030-2.jpg
Tools for this step:
Safety goggles
Dremel circle cutting attachment
3/32 inch drill bit
1/8 inch drill bit

Materials for this step:
[B]Front Panel

5-A. Drill 1/8" holes at the points labeled L1, L2, R1 and R2 in the image below.
5-B. Unplug the Dremel and read the instructions for the circle cutter.
5-C. Set up your Dremel with the circle cutting attachment.
5-D. Insert the center point in L1 and the bit into L2. 
5-E. Plug in the Dremel.
5-F. Turn the Dremel on to a setting of 7 or higher.
5-G. Apply a constant force to the Dremel traveling in a clockwise circle.
5-H. Too much force will stress the bit and may cause it to break.
5-I. Turn off the Dremel when you finish cutting the circle.
5-J. Repeat steps 5-D through 5-I for holes R1 and R2.
5-K. Sand both holes until splinters and burrs are removed. Don't worry if the hole isn't quite perfect. If the speaker fits in step 8, the hole is fine.
5-L. Drill the 8 remaining holes out using a 3/32" bit.

Attach the Insets

Tools for step:
Safety goggles
3/32 inch drill bit
Wood awl
2 or 3 bar clamps
Tape measure
Phillips head screw driver
Sand paper

Materials for this step:
[B]Front Panel
[C]Side Panels
[E]Rear Panel
[F,G,H,I] Inset Strips
10 6x3/4"   wood screws
7-9 6x1/2" wood screws

Front Panel Insets:
6-A1. Flip [B] so that its back side (the worse looking of the two sides) is visible.
6-B2. Position a [H] according to third image below. 
6-C3. There should be a space between [H] and the edges of [B] that is the thickness of your 5-ply sheet.
6-D4. Clamp [H] to [B] to hold the spacing.  You may have to adjust [H] when you clamp down because the wood may have a slight bend in it that will come out as you tighten the clamps.
6-E5. Drill all 3 holes in [H] with a 3/32" bit to a depth of 3/4".
6-F1. Screw a 6x3/4" wood screw into each hole until the head of the screw is flush with or slightly below the surface of [H]
6-G1. Repeat steps 6-A1 through 6-F1 for the other inset on the back of [B]. The finished result is shown below.

Side Panel Insets:
6-A2. Flip a [C] so that its back side is visible.
6-B2. Position [I] according to the fourth image below. 
6-C2. The short edges of [I] and the sides of [C] should be flush.
6-D2.  The long edge of [I] should be spaced the thickness of your 3-ply sheet from the edge of [C].
6-E2. Clamp [I] to [C] to hold the spacing.
6-F2. Drill both holes in [I] with a 3/32" bit to a depth of 3/4".
6-G2. Screw a 6x3/4" wood screw into each hole until the head of the screw is flush with or slightly below the surface of [I]
6-H2. Flip the other [C] so that it's back side is visible.
6-I2. Position [I] according to the fourth image below.
6-J2. Repeat steps 6-C2 through 6-G2.  The finished results are shown below in the fourth image.

Rear Panel Insets:
6-A3. Flip [E] so that its back side is visible.
6-B3. Position the long edge of [F] to be flush with [E].
6-C3. The space between the short edges of [F] and the side of [E] should be the thickness of your 5-ply sheet.
6-D3. Clamp [F] to [E] to hold the spacing.
6-E3. Flip [E] so that its front side is visible.
6-F3. Drill the three 3/32" holes along the edge to which [F] is clamped (holes 1,2,3 or 5,6,7) to a depth of 1/2".
6-G3. Screw a 6x1/2" wood screw into each hole until the head of the screw is flush with the surface of [E].
6-H3. Repeat steps 6-B3 through 6-G3 for the other inset on the back of [E]. Your work so far should look like the fifth image below.
6-I3. Look at the last image below. If your wood is curved like in the image or has no curve, skip step 6-J3.
6-J3. Mark and drill out holes 10 through 13 on [E] with a 3/32" bit  (see the sixth image below). Skip step 6-K3.
6-K3. Mark and drill out holes 8 and 9 on [E] with a 3/32" bit (see the sixth image below).
6-L3. Set a [G] inset between the [F] insets already attached to [E].
6-M3. Make sure [G] is not flush with the short edge of the [F] insets, it is offset by about 1/16" (see the first image below) then clamp it to [E].
6-N3. Screw a 6x1/2" wood screw into the hole(s) until the head of the screw is flush with the surface of [E].
6-O3. Repeat steps 6-L3 through 6-N3 for the second [G] inset.

Assemble the Box

Tools for this step:
Safety goggles
3/32 inch drill bit
1/8 inch drill bit
2 or 3 bar clamps
Phillips head screw driver
Sand paper

Materials for this step:
[A]Top Panel
[B]Front Panel
[C]Side Panels
[D]Bottom Panel
[E]Rear Panel
14 6x3/4"   wood screws
2 208x1-3/8" screw eyes
4 self-sticking cushion feet

Bottom to Front Panel:
7-A1. Drill all the holes on [D] out with a 3/32" bit.
7-B1. Set the long edge of [D] that has the holes 1,2 and 3 that you just drilled along the bottom inset inset of [B]
7-C1. Position [D] so it's edges are flush with the edge of [B]
7-D1. Clamp [D] to [B]. Make sure the edges remain flush.
7-E1. Screw [D] to the inset on [B] starting with the center hole.

Top to Front Panel:
7-A2. Drill all the holes on [A] out with a 3/32" bit.
7-B2. Set the long edge of [A] that has the holes 1,2 and 3 that you just drilled along the top inset inset of [B]
7-C2. Position [A] so it's edges are flush with the edge of [B]
7-D2. Clamp [A] to [B]. Make sure the edges remain flush.
7-E2. Screw [A] to the inset on [B] starting with the center hole. Viewed from the side, the box should now look like first image below.

Right Side Panel:
7-A3. Position [C] such that the side with inset is facing away from you, and the inset to your right.
7-B3. Measure and mark the only hole for [C].
7-A3. Drill the hole out with a 1/8" bit.
7-B3. slide [C] in flush.  The inset should be on the interior of the box and toward the rear.  The right edge of [C] should be flush with rear edges of [A] and [D].  The outer face of [C] should be flush with the short edges of [A], [B] and [D].
7-C3. Clamp [C] to maintain this position.
7-D3. Screw the side panel in using 6x3/4" wood screws in holes 4 and 5 on [A] and [D].

Left Side Panel:
7-A3. Position [C] such that the side with inset is facing away from you, and the inset to your left.
7-B3. Measure and mark the only hole for [C].
7-A3. Drill the hole out with a 1/8" bit.
7-B3. slide [C] in flush.  The inset should be on the interior of the box and toward the rear.  The left edge of [C] should be flush with rear edges of [A] and [D].  The outer face of [C] should be flush with the short edges of [A], [B] and [D].
7-C3. Clamp [C] to maintain this position.
7-D3. Screw the side panel in using 6x3/4" wood screws in holes 6 and 7 on [A] and [D].

Back Panel Fit:
The insets on [E] may not immediately fit into the back side of the box.  If this is the case, sand down the sides to produce a snug fit.  Do your best to identify the points that are catching and sand those first.  If there is a large amount of material that has to be removed, use a heavier grit sandpaper first then follow up with a medium or fine grit to finish.

If the back is too loose to stay in on it's own, try using a thin layer of wood putty on the insets of [E].  Let the wood putty set and dry completely then retry the fit.

Mount the Speakers

Picture 028-2.jpg
Tools for this step:
Phillips head screw driver

Materials for this step:
1 pair Pioneer car speakers TSAA1372R
8 Speaker mounting screws (in the speaker package)

8-A. Remove the speakers from their packaging if you haven't done so already.
8-B. Follow the instructions on the box to attach the wires that came with the speakers to the speakers.
8-C. Set the boombox on a steady level surface with the front facing up and the bottom panel [D] facing toward you.
8-D. Take the speaker with the white cables and place it gently in the left hole
8-E. Position it so the Pioneer brand is to the left and the 3/32" holes in the wood are visible between the mounting tines of the speaker.  See the second image below.
8-F. Set the speaker face place on the speaker.
8-G. Align all the holes in the faceplate with the holes in the wood. See the third image below.
8-H. Set a screw in one of the holes and give it 4 to 5 turns to get it started firmly into the wood.
8-I. Set a screw in the hole opposite the previous one and and also screw it in until firmly in the wood.
8-J. Repeat steps 8-H and 8-I.
8-K. Turn each screw until it just makes contact with the faceplate.
8-L.  In a clockwise circle, give each screw a single turn until all screws are snug.  Over-tightening may crack the faceplate.
8-M. Take the speaker with the gray cables and place it gently in the right hole.
8-N. Position it so the Pioneer brand is to the right. and the 3/32" holes in the wood are visible between the mounting tines of the speaker.
8-O. Repeat steps 8-F through 8-L.  See the fourth image for the fully mounted speakers.

Notice: Be careful handling the box now.  The speakers on the front side if it may make it a little easy to tip until you get the battery in.

Make the Amplifier Mounting Plates

Tools for this step:
Permanent pen
1/8in bit

Materials for this step:
Spent gift-card
Scrap wood

9-A. Find a spent gift-card.
9-B. Tape it to a piece of scrap wood. Leave a 1/2in by 1/2in section uncovered on each corner.
9-C. Use a sharpie to make a mark in the middle of one of the exposed corners of the card.
9-D. Measure 5cm to the nearest exposed corner and make another mark as close to the center of that area as possible.
9-E. Repeat 9C and 9D for the unmarked corners.
9-F. Drill an 1/8in hole in each marked point.
9-G. Remove the tape holding the gift-card to scrap wood.
9-H. Cut a 1/2in section off each end of the card.

Mounting Amplifier and Battery

Tools for this step:

Materials for this step:
1 41hz AMP6-Basic (fully assembled)
1 pkg Industrial Velcro tape

Attach Mounting Plates:
9-A1. Put a mounting screw through the top of one of the mounting holes in the amplifier.
9-B1. Put a nylon spacer over the screw.
9-C1. Put one of the holes of one of the gift-card ends over the screw
9-D1. Thread a bolt on the end of the screw and tighten it with your fingers
9-E1. Put a screw through the nearest corner mounting hole in the amplifier.
9-F1. Repeat steps 9-B1 through 9-E1 using the other hole in the gift-card section.
9-G1. Repeat steps 9-A1 through 9-F1 for the remaining 2 mounting holes.

Velcro the Battery:
9-A2. Adhere an entire hook patch of Velcro to the back-side of the battery. See the second image below.
9-B2. Place an entire loop patch on the hook patch
9-C2. Remove the backing from the loop patch. See the third image below.
9-D2. With the terminals facing the rear of the box and the Velcro facing down, place the battery between the speakers and at least 1in from the back edge of the box. See the fourth image below.
9-E2. Press firmly on the battery so the loop patch adheres well to the wood.

Velcro the Amplifier:
9-A3. Cut out 2 hook and 2 loop patches of Velcro that are 1in by 1/2in.
9-B3. Adhere a hook patch on the bottom of each mounting plate between the screws.
9-C3. Place a 1in by 1/2in loop patch on both hook patches.
9-D3. Remove the backing from the loop patches.
9-E3.  With the stereo jack facing the rear of the box, place the amplifier with at least 1in of space on all 4 sides. See the first image below.
9-F3. Press firmly on the back side of the mounting plates so the loop patches adheres well to the wood.

Connect Electronics

Tools for this step:
Small flat-head screwdriver
Voltmeter (optional)

Materials for this step:
Power plug
1 male to male 1/8inch stereo cable

Speaker Wires to Amplifier:
11-A1. Pull off the short pieces of sheathing from the ends of the speaker wires. 
11-B1. Use your fingers to twist the copper strands into a tight spiral
11-C1.  Insert the striped wire of the left speaker (when you're facing the front of the boombox) into the left negative screw terminal on the amplifier.
11-D1. Screw down that terminal until the wire is held firmly.
11-E1. Insert the solid-colored wire of the left speaker into the left positive screw terminal on the amplifier.
11-F1. Repeat steps 11-C1 through 11-E1, replacing all instances or 'left' with 'right'.
11-G1. If you turn on the amplifier later and notice the channels are switch, open up the box and switch the left and right speaker cables.

Battery to Amplifier:
11-A2. Follow the directions of the battery charger to fully charge the 12V battery you are using.
11-B2. Connect the red wire to the positive terminal of the battery.
11-C2.  Connect the black wire to the negative  terminal of the battery.
11-D2. If you have a voltmeter, double check that the center of the power plug is connected to the positive terminal of the battery.

Connect Music Device:
11-A3. Plug one end of the 1/8" stereo male to male cable into the amplifier.
11-B3. Feed the other end through the hole in the back panel.
11-C3. Plug the other end of the cable into your music device.

Turn Up the Music!

12-A. Turn your music device's volume to zero.
12-B. Connect the power plug to the amplifier.
12-C. Close the back of the boombox.
12-D. Turn up the volume! If everything is connected correctly you should here audio coming through with no popping, hissing or cutting out.  If this is not the case or things do not sound right to you in any way, unplug power to the amplifier immediately and review Steps3 and 11 and double-check your work and correct any errors you've made.
12-E. Go to the beach, park, tailgate party and share your favorite music with your new boombox!
12-F. When you are done listening to music, be sure to unplug the power from the amplifier.