Bouncing Gator

by MikeTheMaker in Living > Toys & Games

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Bouncing Gator

gator head2.JPG

This is a table decoration utilizing a drinking bird (available from and a 3d printed head.

gator head1.JPG

First, print the alligator's head. I used a file created by Gedelgo:

I converted his file to a ".stl" then enlarged it 400% in TinkerCad. I added a hole to fit the top of the drinking bird's head.

gator head5.JPG

Remove the hat from the bird. It is glued on, but pulls off easily.

gator head3.JPG

Drill a hole in the upper roof of the gator's mouth to match the point on the drinking bird's head. Paint the bird's body and the alligator head (my wife did the paint work--she used a reflective clear coat on the head). Friction fit the gator head to the top of the bird.

gator head4.JPG

The thing is top heavy now. Glue a weight (super glue gel) to the bottom of the bird. I used a skateboard bearing.

Bump the bird (gator) and he will bounce.