Boom Box !!!

by makervinod in Circuits > Audio

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Boom Box !!!

The Boom Boxxx...!!!

A more louder, portable, Audio Boom Box made with the super high audio quality amp board - PAM8403 and a dual power option of normal mode and boost mode.

It much louder than the ordinary rechargeable speaker available in the shops.

It has also a USB emergency power supply for charging your cellphones,etc.

The maximum output of PAM8403 is 3.2 watts per channel at 5V, which means that the max power of the boom box is 6.4 watts.

And this is very loud when you have the proper power supply and suitable speakers for it...

Most of the components I used here, are old recycled components. You can search for them in your electronics junk or in your neighboring, and if you don't find any..... don't worry, the links to buy most of the components are given in the further steps.

This tutorial gives an idea of making the Super Audio Boom Box.

Carefully read out the tutorial first and then gather the components accordingly.

Follow the steps and implement on your own.

Happy Making.....!!!

The various components used in making the Boom Box are listed below.....

1) PAM8403 Amp Board - (From AliExpress )

2) 4 ohms / 3 to 5 watts speakers x 2 - ( I didn't get the proper link for the speakers as I used, but this will work too - From AliExpress )(If you have any speakers lying around you you can also use them instead.)

3) A Cardboard Box or Enclosure Box to mount every thing as per as your need.

4) A dead or old power bank with output of 1Ampere at least. You can also use 5V boost converter modules of 1A. - ( From AliExpress )

5) 18650 Li-ion Cells according to your need. - (Get them from old laptop batteries lying around you. You can also use cellphone batteries too in place of those.). Alternately, you can also power it with other rechargeable cells.

6) Li-ion charge and discharge protection circuit -( From AliExpress )

7) Few push type DPDT switches.

8) Some LED for Power-ON indication.

9) Connecting Wires.

10) Soldering Iron and solder.

11) Screws and Bolt for fixing speakers.

12) Double-sided tape or Strong Adhesives for fixing components in the box.

13) An Aux cable or an old headphone will also work.

14) Some Glue, if needed.

Let's Start It...!!!


Getting started with a Enclosure Box or Card Board Box ----

1) Get a proper and a suitable box, in which you can properly mount the speakers and all other circuit stuff . It should neither be very small nor very big. I used an old cardboard box for my boom box. You can also use a plastic box.

If you prefer to use a cardboard box, make sure that the cardboard is enough hard to take up the weight of speakers and batteries.

2) Decide where you are going to fix the speakers in the box. Measure the diameter of the speaker membrane if you have circle - shaped speakers. Don't consider the metal frame of the speaker while measuring.

If you got any other shaped speakers then measure the size accordingly. Mark the location of speakers on the box using a pen or marker where you want to fix them. Cut out the holes for the speakers on the box.

Refer the above images for reference.

Do not fix the speakers now....refer the next step.....

Get Your Power Supply Ready !!!


There are many different ways for powering up the Boom Box.

1) You can make it a wired power supply speaker -----

When using as a wired power supply Boom Box, there are three ways of powering it up --

(A) - Connect it a USB port or a USB wire and then connect it to a USB charger or power bank to power it up.

(B) - Hook up a DC Jack Connector to the boom box and supply 5V to it using a external power supply.

(C) - Construct a power supply into the Boom Box, so that you can directly connect it to A.C Mains.


2) You can make it wireless power supply speaker, more portable than the previous -----

When using as a wireless power supply Boom Box, there are two ways to do so --

(A) - Use Alkaline cells / Dry cells to power it using a voltage regulation circuit.

(B) - Use rechargeable Lithium polymer / Li-Ion cells/batteries, Ni-Cad batteries,etc., to power it directly.


You can select any of the power supply options of your choice according to your requirement. Be sure that you have proper info. about the option you select and it's use.

Here, in this Boom Box, I used the few Li-Ion Cells (18650 cells - 2600mAh/cell) lying in my electronics junk.

*Note - Li-ion cells are dangerous if over charged or over discharged. So, Please do use proper charging and discharge protection circuits, if you decide to use Li-ion batteries/cells.

To reduce the number of circuits in the Boom Box, I used a Power Bank circuit from an old MI power bank. It has charge protection circuit, discharge protection circuit, and an optional voltage boosting circuit.

You can use the same if you have one, lying around you, or can just order it online.

Fix all the Circuits you need to use, properly in the box as per as your need using Double-Sided tapes or Adhesives. Refer the above image and check how I did it.

I also added two push-type Double Pole Double Throw switches to the box.

Out of the two switches ---

- one switch is used for turning ON/OFF the Boom Box.

- second switch is used for selecting the power supply option - [3.7V(direct from cells) or 5V (using the power bank circuit output)].

***(Remember that PAM8403 has full output of 6W R.M.S, when operated on 5V supply. So when the power supply is switched to 5V, it gives me it's full output.)

I also added a extra USB port for emergency power backup for cellphones.

So, this powerful Boom Box serves me two purposes,

1) playing music

2) emergency charging of cell phones

You can have additional attachments too of your choice. Try out different combinations.

Fix the Speakers...!!!


The speakers I used are both are of different type --

- one is 4 ohms/ 5 watts having good bass response, full range speaker.

- second is 4 ohms / 5 watts having less bass response and more high frequency response.

I used some screws and bolts to fix those two speakers with the cardboard box. Also used some plastic washers.....You can also use hot glue or some adhesives if you use a Plastic or some other Enclosure Box for your Boom Box.

Fix both the speakers and move onto next step.....

Get Your Amp Ready....!!!


Get your PAM8403 Amp Board with you.

Refer the Images above for the connections to do with the Amp Board.

You can also add a Pot for volume control. I have not used in my Boom Box as i preferred direct volume control via my cellphone.

There are three ways of connecting input signal to the amp Board ------

1) Use a cheap 3.5mm AUX Cable for connecting it with your cellphone and other stuff. (It will be wired.)

2) Use a Bluetooth Audio module to use the Boom Box without any connecting wires. (It will be wireless, but it will connect only to the Bluetooth enabled devices.)

3) Use both the above. (The best method to use, as this allows universal connections. Just use proper switching circuit for switching between the input sources.)

I wanted to keep the Boom Box as cheap as possible, so I preferred a 3.5mm Aux wire, directly connected to the PAM8403 amp board.

USE A 3.5mm FEMALE AUDIO JACK FOR THE AUX CONNECTION - this will allow you to remove the Aux wire when the Boom Box is not used, making it more portable.

Also, connect the speaker connections with the board.

***REMEMBER - the outputs of PAM8403 are differential, that is they do not have a common ground. So, Please do not connect the Left / Right outputs of the Amp together....!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will blow out the amp board, if you do so.

Connect the power supply to the Amp Board as shown in the figure, using Switches. If you choose to use a USB power supply or any other way of power supply, you may do the connections accordingly.

***DON'T FORGET ---- the maximum supply voltage to the Amp Board is 5V only.....!!!!! Please you a proper regulation circuit if you use other power supply options.

Stick the switches and the Amp Board into the Box, as per as you like, with good Adhesives or Double-Sided tape.

You can also add a Power-ON indicator to the Boom Box.

After all done, give it a test run to check whether all the connections are proper or not.

*** Recheck any faulty or open connections before turning it ON....!!!!

Touch-up Time....!!!


Pack - up the enclosure box with chart paper/card paper or any other paper of your choice.

I covered it with simple white card paper.....

Cut the holes and the switches slots as per required in the chart paper/ card paper.

Stick it to the Box properly with the help of glue or any other adhesives.

Paint it or Design the Box as you like,'s your Gadget....

Show out your abilities....!!!!

Watch It Out in Action....!!!

The Boom Boxxx...!!!

Check out the Boom Box in Action...!!!

You can also check this link for the same --

Comparing With Other Speakers....!!!

The BOOM BOXXX sound test...!!!

I checked out the volume of the Boom Box by comparing it with two different speakers that I was having with me.

Results came out and the Boom Box won....!!!!

Check it out in the above video....

Happy making....!!! Share your Boom Box too.....!!!