Boo-Bot: Your (Not So) Handy Specter Deflector
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Boo-Bot: Your (Not So) Handy Specter Deflector
![Boo Bot: Your (Not So) Handy Specter Deflector](/proxy/?url= Bot: Your (Not So) Handy Specter Deflector)
Is your house haunted? Are you scared of the dark?
Meet Boo-Bot, your personal, cowardly, Arduino-powered ghost-hunting ghost. Boo-Bot reluctantly explores haunted mansions, abandoned buildings, underground tunnels, bedroom closets, and any other dark space. When he detects something supernatural, he panics. He lets out a horrifying shriek, throws up his arms, flashes, and dashes away. With Boo-Bot, you will know when another ghost is near… although he will probably beat you to the door.
// This project was undertaken as part of the Computational Design and Digital Fabrication seminar in the Master's programme Integrative Technologies and Architectural Design Research (ITECH) at the University of Stuttgart.
// Boo-Bot marks our very first venture into the world of electronics projects with Arduino.
// by Bryan Martino, Likhinya KVS, and Muhamad Faiz
- 1 x Arduino UNO board
- 1 x breadboard
- 2 x DC gear motors & wheels
- 2 x micro servo motors
- L293D Integrated Circuit
- 1 x ultrasonic sensor
- 1 x piezo buzzer
- 2 x LEDs
- 3 x 330 ohm resistors
- 40 x M-M cables
- 1 x castor wheel
- 1 x power source (currently DC/AC Adapter)
The DC-motors, wheels and motor driver can be purchased as a kit.
Attached are the 3D printed files for the files: head, body, base, hands.
![Conceptual Research-group 5 (3).jpg](/proxy/?url= Research-group 5 (3).jpg)
Boo-Bot operates on a simple yet effective system. It navigates forward using the geared motors for propulsion. Obstacle detection is handled by an ultrasonic sensor, triggering a sequence upon detection. This sequence includes halting forward motion, raising arms via servo motor control, activating LED flashes, and sounding a buzzer. To add randomness, Boo-Bot turns either left or right by differential control of the geared motors. All actions, including LED flashes and buzzer sounds, are programmed responses.
Concept Overview:
- Movement: Boo-Bot moves straight until an obstacle is detected.
- Detection: Uses an ultrasonic sensor to detect objects within a specified distance.
- Response: Upon detection, Boo-Bot stops, raises its arms, flashes LEDs, and activates a buzzer.
- Escape: After the response, Boo-Bot randomly turns left or right and continues moving.
Building the Circuit
![Tinkercad Diagram.png](/proxy/?url= Diagram.png)
Setting up the hardware for Boo-Bot is straightforward. There are two separate loops: one for the geared motors and one for all other components.
- Arduino Board: Connect the Arduino UNO board to your computer via USB cable.
- Ultrasonic Sensor: Attach the ultrasonic sensor to pins 7 (trig) and 6 (echo).
- DC Gear Motors:
- Connect one motor to pins 8 (forward) and 12 (backward).
- Connect the other motor to pins 9 (forward) and 11 (backward).
- Servos:
- Connect the first servo to pin 5.
- Connect the second servo to pin 3.
- LEDs:
- Attach one LED to pin 13.
- Attach the other LED to pin 10.
- Piezo Buzzer: Connect the buzzer to pin 2.
- L293D IC: Utilize the L293D IC to regulate the DC motors.
- Breadboard: Arrange the components on a breadboard for convenient connections and adjustments
Boo-Bot's movement behavior entails advancing straight until encountering an obstacle, accompanied by its hands (servo motors) exhibiting nervous movements back and forth. Calibration tasks involve ensuring the proper 90-degree rotation of the servo motors for both clockwise and counterclockwise motions, refining the buzzer volume to achieve the ideal screaming effect, and adjusting the robot's speed to align with its object detection capabilities
![Assembly and testing](/proxy/?url= and testing)
![WhatsApp Image 2024-06-08 at 17.04.42.jpeg](/proxy/?url= Image 2024-06-08 at 17.04.42.jpeg)
Boo-Bot's design is segmented into three components for practical reasons. The head houses permanent fixtures like the ultrasonic sensor, LEDs, and buzzer. The body holds the servo motors in place, with a vertically positioned breadboard and Arduino situated on a shelf. This division facilitates easy assembly and accessibility for calibration. The robot is assembled upside down, starting with the head, followed by the body, and then the base.
The code begins by including the Servo library to enable control of servo motors. Next, it sets up and initializes the pins for input and output operations.
#include <Servo.h>
#define trigPin 7
#define echoPin 6
#define led1 13
#define led2 10
#define buzzer 2
const int forwardPin1 = 8;
const int backwardPin1 = 12;
const int forwardPin2 = 9;
const int backwardPin2 = 11;
const int servoPin1 = 5; // Define the first servo pin
const int servoPin2 = 3; // Define the second servo pin
int sound = 2500;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
const long interval = 200; // Interval for blinking (200 ms for faster flashing)
bool ledState = LOW;
const int thresholdDistance = 40; // Distance threshold in cm
Servo servoMotor1; // Create a servo object to control the first servo motor
Servo servoMotor2; // Create a servo object to control the second servo motor
Functions are defined for specific tasks: getDistance() calculates the distance to obstacles, moveStraightWithSwinging() controls forward movement with swinging arm gestures, stopMotors() halts motor activity, turnRandomly() initiates a random turn, and flashLEDsAndSoundBuzzer() triggers visual and auditory alerts upon obstacle detection.
int getDistance() {
// Trigger the ultrasonic pulse
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
// Measure the duration of the echo
long duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
// Calculate the distance in centimeters
int distance = (duration / 2) / 29.1;
return distance;
void moveStraightWithSwinging() {
digitalWrite(forwardPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(backwardPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(forwardPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(backwardPin2, LOW);
// Swing servos back and forth
for (int pos = 0; pos <= 90; pos += 1) { // Move servos from 0 to 90 degrees
servoMotor1.write(180 - pos); // Move servoMotor1 counterclockwise
servoMotor2.write(pos); // Move servoMotor2 clockwise
delay(2); // Adjust delay for desired swinging speed
for (int pos = 90; pos >= 0; pos -= 1) { // Move servos from 90 to 0 degrees
servoMotor1.write(180 - pos); // Move servoMotor1 clockwise
servoMotor2.write(pos); // Move servoMotor2 counterclockwise
delay(2); // Adjust delay for desired swinging speed
void stopMotors() {
digitalWrite(forwardPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(backwardPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(forwardPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(backwardPin2, LOW);
void turnRandomly() {
int turnDirection = random(2); // Generate a random number: 0 or 1
if (turnDirection == 0) {
// Turn left
digitalWrite(forwardPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(backwardPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(forwardPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(backwardPin2, LOW);
} else {
// Turn right
digitalWrite(forwardPin1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(backwardPin1, LOW);
digitalWrite(forwardPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(backwardPin2, HIGH);
delay(500); // Delay for the turn (adjust as needed)
stopMotors(); // Stop after the turn
void flashLEDsAndSoundBuzzer() {
unsigned long currentMillis = millis();
unsigned long buzzerDuration = 1000; // Duration of buzzer sound (in milliseconds)
while (millis() - currentMillis < buzzerDuration) { // Flash LEDs, sound buzzer, and move servos for the specified duration
if (millis() - previousMillis >= interval) { // Check if it's time to toggle the LED state
previousMillis = millis();
ledState = !ledState; // Toggle the LED state
digitalWrite(led1, ledState);
digitalWrite(led2, ledState);
tone(buzzer, sound);
// Move servo motors 90 degrees
servoMotor1.write(90); // Rotate servoMotor1 to 90 degrees counterclockwise (upwards)
servoMotor2.write(90); // Rotate servoMotor2 to 90 degrees clockwise (upwards)
digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(led2, HIGH);
// Reset servo motors to initial position (0 degrees)
// Stop spinning after the specified duration
Within the main loop, Boo-Bot continuously moves forward and detects obstacles using getDistance(). When an obstacle is detected, the program calls stopMotors() to halt movement, followed by flashLEDsAndSoundBuzzer() to activate visual and auditory signals. Subsequently, turnRandomly() is invoked to execute a random turn. The effectiveness of Boo-Bot's actions heavily depends on appropriately calibrated delay times to achieve desired functions.
void loop() {
// Check distance
int distance = getDistance();
Serial.print("Distance: ");
Serial.println(" cm");
// If an object is detected within the threshold distance, take actions
if (distance <= thresholdDistance && distance > 0) {
delay(200); // Small delay before turning
delay(200); // Small delay before moving straight again
// Move straight and swing servos
//delay(1); // Reduced delay between measurements
Your Boobot Is Ready!
![Brave Boo-bot](/proxy/?url= Boo-bot)
![WhatsApp Image 2024-06-10 at 08.24.09 (1).jpeg](/proxy/?url= Image 2024-06-10 at 08.24.09 (1).jpeg)
![WhatsApp Image 2024-06-10 at 08.24.15.jpeg](/proxy/?url= Image 2024-06-10 at 08.24.15.jpeg)
Here are some suggestions for optional next steps:
- You can further adapt the circuit with more sensors and mechanical actuators, try i.e. to have special sensing only for ghosts
- Have a wifi module to easily send data to the boobot and modify functions
- Add more actions like spiralling or slowing down in panic, shitting in panic or dancing in happiness.
Do make your very own Boo-Bot this halloween and share it with us!
Have fun!