Boba Fett Mithosaur

In this tutorial, I will show you how to build the famed Boba Fett symbol called the Mithosaur. This project would be perfect on the wall of any Boba Fett fanatic. We will be using the cutouts of the Mithosaur to make a second Mithosaur that is projecting out from the wood. This project is not too hard and the actual cutting time shouldn't take long. I hope you enjoy this project as much as I have. Currently, the Mithosaur with the cutouts is on my wall with a flashlight behind it making it into a night light.
Download the Pattern.

First of all, follow the link below, download the image that pops up and enlarge to 223% (this is just what I enlarged it to because it fit on a regular piece of printer paper. It can be whatever size you like)
NOTE.. This pattern does not belong to me and I don't own the Copywrite! You cannot sell this without the owners permission!
Things You Will Need.

You will need a scrollsaw. Any scrollsaw will do, but preferably one that uses pinless blades. I use a Delta 16 in. You will need an assortment of fine-tooth to medium tooth scroll saw blades.( I actually did the entire project with one blade) To transfer the pattern onto my wood I used a copying film. There are other ways to transfer the pattern but this is the easiest way. The wood I used was 1/4 inch oak plywood, but there are many, many different types of wood so you can be creative here. The size is also up to your discretion, I am planning to add a frame so I made mine 1/4 inch larger on all sides than the border of a standard piece of printer paper.(very precise!) Just make sure that all the edges are square. You will also need the smallest drill bit you can find, I used a 1/32 in.
Transfering the Pattern.

Now that you have printed the pattern place a piece of copying film on the wood and the lay your pattern on top of that. After centering your pattern on the wood, use a pen to trace around the edges of the black lines. The copying film gets pushed down and leaves the same line underneath. It is important to be careful when drawing this line as it will be the line you are cutting.
Drill the Holes.

Drill your holes right on the lines. Note, I cut the center piece out before I took the photos. You can still see where I drilled the holes. When you cut everything out later, you will have to clean up the edges where you drilled.
Cutting Out.

After you have drilled the holes you can begin to thread the blade through a random hole. (it doesn't really matter I did the middle piece before I started to take pictures but the process is still the same). The one thing that was difficult for me, was the fact that both sides of the cut will be used. In most scrollsaw work you throw away the scraps. We are going to use the scraps. this part of the work is hard to show you how. However, I can give some guidelines. Do not go backwards with the blade to try to fix a mistake! This project has so many curves you will probably never see a mistake. If you go backwards you will wreck at least one side of the project. As you complete each cut, clean up around the drill hole so that you cannot see the hole on either piece.
Sanding, Painting, Gluing, and Finishing

Sand all of the pieces of wood smooth. I stained both wood panels (not the actual wood pieces that were cut out) with just a standard wood varnish. Paint the pieces that were cut out with a dark red acrylic paint. Position the pattern over the wood and trace where the pieces will go on, this helps when you glue on the pieces so that you can put them in the right place. Glue the pieces onto the wood! You can use contact cement, wood glue, or even super glue if you are careful. I taped a piece of red see-through paper onto the back of the original piece that was cut out of to provide a background. This is a super simple project that can be modified in so many ways so I am not going to elaborate any further.
Building the Frame

I am not going to talk much about the frame construction due to it not being very explainable. This project does not even need a frame if you don't feel up to the task, but if you are I will provide pictures that will give ideas. If you are going to build the frame and want directions, ask in the comment bar, and I will send detailed directions.
The Finished Symbol

I hope you enjoyed this project and I hope to publish other Star Wars fan art including Darth Maul, and Vader. Make sure to ask questions if you have any and I will attempt to answer quickly.