Bluetooth Tube Receiver Project 5 Japanese Prewar Era's 3-Tube

by yaaaam in Circuits > Speakers

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Bluetooth Tube Receiver Project 5 Japanese Prewar Era's 3-Tube


This is the fifth set of my project.

I bought it on an auction site several years ago. It was solid and made with great care, and was not cheap.

The original set was a triple tube 0-V-1 receiver, 12B(rectifier)-24B(positive-feedback detector)-47B(low frequency amplifier) .


1. An old 0-V1 radio (Televian M33)
2. Vacuum tubes
19 (Twin triode for output stage)*1
56 (Heater-cathode type triode)* 2
3.output transformer (Ichikawa ITPP-3W)
4.interstage transformer(Hammond 124E)
5.AC Adapter 5V, 2V
6. UZ socket *1 UY socket *2
7.full range speaker unit
9.Bluetooth audio receiver module KRC-86B
10. capacitors, resisters , wires, ...etc.


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It is originally very well-designed compact receiver, so there is not abundant space in it to rebuild amplifier.

The inner space of this set is too small to build a ordinary push pull amplifier like opus 2. However if build single-ended, it needs larger output transformer. There is no such space to put it.

One day I found a old tube named 19. It contains a pair of direct heated triode in it. if you use this tube, you can make output stage with only single tube.
Class B push pull amplifier needs fixed bias or interstate transformer, fortunately I had one made by Hammond. For push pull does not need such large output transformer as single ended.
The schematics is shown below.

This is my first class B push-pull amplifier

Restoring Chassis

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The Original power transformer were stored under the chassis. its cover is part of the back of the design,so was preserved intact. The rusty chassis was polished and repainted.


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It remains two three original knobs which had been used as a positive die in project 2. With the female die made in the other instructables . I made the rest one knob.

Power Supplies

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The B power supply is earned with directly bridge rectifying the AC100V. The heater / filament power are supplied by the trans-typed AC adapter.


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The right is interstage (phase inverter ) transformer, Left is output transformer.

FF/REW System

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Originally, left knob is main switch, right knob is tuning, and center is for regeneration. (Regenerative receiver generally has no volume control).
Now the left remains original function. right becomes a volume control, but the center has no function.

I mostly use KRC-86B Bluetooth module recently. This module has fast-forward and rewind control function, so I decided to assign these functions to center knob.

The easiest way is using a rotary encoder and a microprocessor, but this time I stuck strictly to analogue solution -- a cam and micro switches.


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The classical direct heated tube amplifier is just turned off.

All currents of filaments are DC. so there's almost no hum noise