Bluetooth SD Card

by Aced Inventor in Circuits > Arduino

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Bluetooth SD Card

Bluetooth SD Card

This is a simple project showing how you can send data from your phone over Bluetooth to a micro sd card. The micro sd card receives the data and then saves it in a .txt file. You can send and view the data on the sd card from the app so you don't have to plug the sd card into your computer to make sure the data is being saved or not.

This project can still be improved.



SD Card Module Wiring

SD Card Module Wiring.png

Connect the SD Card Module as the following:

Arduino >> SD Card Module


5V >> VCC

D4 >> CS

D50 >> MISO

D51 >> MOSI

D52 >> SCK

Bluetooth Module Wiring

Bluetooth Module Wiring.png

Connect the Bluetooth Module as the following:

Arduino >> Bluetooth Module


5V >> VCC

TX >> D10

RX >> D11

Building the App

Zallion App.png

For the app, I reached out to the Zallion to create a concept UI for my app. After he created the concept UI I went on MIT App Inventor and transformed it into a functioning app.



Open the program on Arduino IDE. Once it is open, compile the sketch to see if it is clear of error and upload it. You don't have to download any external libraries for this project as they come pre-installed with Arduino IDE. Once you have uploaded the code open the App and connect to the HC-05 Bluetooth Module.

For more information about this, please visit my Patreon:

Testing the Project

Testing the Project.png

Now that you have connected your Phone to the HC-05 Bluetooth module. Whatever you type on the app and press send will be saved on the micro SD mard. The box on the top of the app is where you type what you want to send over to the SD card and the box on the bottom is where you can see all the data on the SD card