Bluetooth Matrix

The project is a sample project about how matrix monitors works. The scroll speed can be set by a potentiometer. A Bluetooth module added to the project. So, you can send texts to your board with a smart phone. A 3dprinted stand designed for the PCB. So you can place your board on a table and enjoy!
PCB Design

Two PCBs Designed in Altium Designer for two level board. First level, is the controller level. The microcontroller is placed in this level.
Second level, is the matrix level. 128 LEDs placed in this level in 8 rows and 16 columns. The second level is connected to the first level with 24pins pin-header.
Download PCBs from this link.
Manufacturing PCBs and Assemble

Print the Stand (Optional)

A stand designed for project. You can print this stand with 3D-Printer. Download file from here.
Assemble All Parts Together

Put second level on the first one with four 15mm M3 spacer. Connect HC-05 Bluetooth module to the socket. Put the board on stand and connect it to the 9-12V power supply.
Upload Code
Download codes from here. You can open them and change them in Code Vision. Code1, is a fixed text (AB) like the cover picture. Code2, is the main program with Bluetooth support.
Both folders have an hex file. You can program your board with a programmer like STK500.
Install a Terminal Application
To connect the board via Bluetooth, you need a Bluetooth support terminal. For Android, I recommend you Serial Bluetooth Terminal. You can download it from this link.
Run, and Enjoy!

Connect the power supply to the board. You'll see a scrolling line. With the potentiometer (VR), you can change and set the scrolling speed. With button B2, you can restart the board.
To send the text, press the button B1. Then, connect to the board via Bluetooth with Terminal app. Then, send a text to The board. To send another text, press B1 and send the new text.
- All letters should be capital.
- Do not use spaces. You can use '&' instead of spaces.
- Only letters and numbers are allowed.