Bluetooth Low Energy and IBeacons With Tessel

by SelkeyMoonbeam in Circuits > Gadgets

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Bluetooth Low Energy and IBeacons With Tessel


Tessel is a microcontroller you program in JavaScript. It's like Arduino, but designed to be easier to use and web-friendly.

Bluetooth Low Energy is a communication protocol that's designed to use very little energy, transferring small packets of data relatively slowly. This is good for battery-powered applications that stay in one place for a long period of time, for example emitting sensor data.

I recommend you read Evan Simpson's beginner guide to BLE if you're interested in learning more about the protocol and its uses.

In this tutorial, I'll show you how to get a Bluetooth Low Energy module up and running with a Tessel, then show you how to make it into an iBeacon.

Here's what you need:

Install Tessel


If you haven't used Tessel before, you should go install it.

Plug the Module Into Tessel's Port A


It's best to unplug Tessel from power while plugging in modules.

Plug the BLE module into Tessel port A with the hexagon/icon side down and the electrical components on the top, then plug Tessel into your computer via USB.

Install the Module

npm module.jpg

Install by typing

npm install ble-ble113a

into the command line.


Screen Shot 2014-08-28 at 6.39.59 PM.png

Save this code in a text file called ble.js:

// Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.

********************************************* This Bluetooth Low Energy module demo scans for nearby BLE peripherals. Much more fun if you have some BLE peripherals around. *********************************************/ var tessel = require('tessel'); var blelib = require('ble-ble113a'); var ble = blelib.use(tessel.port['A']); ble.on('ready', function(err) { console.log('Scanning...'); ble.startScanning(); }); ble.on('discover', function(peripheral) { console.log("Discovered peripheral!", peripheral.toString()); });

Push the Code


In your command line,

tessel run ble.js

Set a Bluetooth Low Energy device nearby to advertising and see if Tessel can find it!

Bonus: Change the code to print out only the IP address of discovered peripherals.

To see what else you can do with the BLE module, see the module docs here.

Make a IBeacon


Now that you have your BLE module working, try making it emit data as an iBeacon.

An 'iBeacon' is a very specifically formatted advertising data packet. Evan Simpson wrote a very nice blog post explaining iBeacons, their merits, downfalls, and alternatives: You Probably Don't Need an iBeacon. I recommend you read it.

But in the meanwhile, here's the code to make your Tessel BLE module into an iBeacon:

var tessel = require('tessel');
var bleLib = require('ble-ble113a'); var bleadvertise = require('bleadvertise'); var uuid = 'D9B9EC1F392543D080A91E39D4CEA95C'; // Apple's example UUID var major = '01'; var minor = '10'; var iBeaconData = new Buffer(uuid+major+minor, 'hex'); // Create data Buffer var packet = { flags: [0x04], // BLE only mfrData : iBeaconData } var ad = bleadvertise.serialize(packet); var beacon = bleLib.use(tessel.port['A'], function(){ beacon.setAdvertisingData(ad, function(){ beacon.startAdvertising(); console.log('Beaconing'); }); });

Again, run with

tessel run ble.js