Bluetooth Controlled Insect (HC-05 & Servos)
by Aditya Tripathi in Circuits > Arduino
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Bluetooth Controlled Insect (HC-05 & Servos)

This uses two servo motor which acts as muscles of insect and the bones are made of Aluminium hanger. Bluetooth Module HC-05 gets connected with any smartphone and then we need only an app called Bluetooth RC controller . Now when we connect HC-05 to Bluetooth RC controller . Our Smartphone sends data to it . When no button is pressed it sends character 'S' to our HC-05 and so and so far.
Video was not made while typing but I make sure that I upload the video 2 days after.
This i'ble is dedicated to my country.
Tools and Parts:

Servos -2 (Normal or Continuos Rotation)
- Arduino or Arduino Pro Mini (Recommended Pro Mini as to reduce weight)
- HC-05 Bluetooth Module
- Cloth Hanger ( Aluminium )
- 9V Battery
- Battery Clip 9V
- Wire (Female to Female) (Male to Female)
- Male pins
- LEDs (for eyes)
- Hot Glue gun with Sticks
- Double Sided Tape
- Soldering Iron
- Tape
- Solder Wire
- Soldering helping hand
- Not all Tools mentioned here are that much necessary for the Bot e.g. Soldering helping hand. But if you are a active hobbyist you must have these tools for your future projects.
Making Legs

Cut two peices from a wire cloth hanger rear legs 28cm and front legs 25cm.
Bend the legs with plier. Make sure that the feet point backward so that they act as a hook that they are able to climb over obstacles. At this stage do not worry about the shape of legs you can shape them afterwards . Legs may slip so you must attach Heat Shrink tubing or rubber band. I used rubberband .
Attaching Legs

Attach the aluminium legs to the Servo attachment first with a jumper wire and than hot glue them.You do not need to attach the attchment just now . You can attach them afterwards.
Testing Bluetooth
Connect HC-05 Rx to Arduino or Pro Mini Tx pin.
Connect HC-05 Tx to Arduino or Pro Mini Rx pin.
Connect HC-05 +5 volt pin to Arduino or Pro Mini +5 or vcc pin.
Connect HC-05 Gnd to Arduino or Pro Mini gnd pin.
Connect led to Digital pin 13
Now download an app from google play called ""Bluetooth Rc controller"" . Install it and connect to Hc-05.
Upload the following code and test that when you press forward Button in""Bluetooth Rc controller""does the LED glow or not. If it does than proceed to the next step else recheck the conection and soldering.
Connections of Servo

To connect servo first connect Vcc of each servo to each other and than to Vcc of Pro Mini
Than group all Gnd's together. Connect servo signal pin to digital pin 7&8(you can change them in the code) & its all for servo.
Programming Walk
The code for each(Forward,Backward).
Full Code
The code is for continuous rotation Servo because I lost my Normal Servo so you have two choices . Either you convert your servo to continuous rotation servo or wait for me to publish version 1.2 of Insectbot. Here is the code .
Connections Full

Connect leds + two pin 12 & 13.
Connect Vcc of each servo & HC-05 to each other and than to Vcc of Pro Mini Than group all Gnd's together. Connect HC-05 Rx to Arduino or Pro Mini Tx pin. Connect HC-05 Tx to Arduino or Pro Mini Rx pin. Now we are done we shall Check our progress. To connect multiple + you can make your own breadboard.
Correcting the Loopholes of Continuos Rotation Servo

As we all know that Continuos Rotation Servo are inaccurate so to plug out the loopholes
this step was made. First tune them . To tune them you need to upload the following code that makes the servo write 90 and not 90 degree here 90 means zero speed so if servo moves at that point you should turn the screw (potentiometer) located on the side of each servo next Put a iron stick with hot glue on the side of servo so that they do not move too much.
Finishing and Decorating

Roll all the wire around the robot and tape them.
Stick the HC-05 to Insectbot and Pro Mini with double sided tape. Cover the robot with fluroscent sheet and stickers and all.
You must take some precautions while working on this .
You must not touch the hot tip of Hot glue gun .It mayburn your hand. Do not short circuit it may burn atmega chip on arduino. While uploading code you must remove the Rx,Tx pin of HC-05 from Arduino. Do not turn the Servo forciby it may become inaccurate. Do soldering carefully. For more advice comment their please.
Ideas for Future

Add new sensors to it.
Teach him to climb higher objects.
Add a peizo speaker .
Teach your insect to stand if it falls on its back.