Blu Media Robot ( Update)

by LaurentP30 in Circuits > Robots

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Blu Media Robot ( Update)


blu is a robot working with makeblock motherboard and raspberry for the electronic

for the part list you can buy from makeblock like me a the beginning , now I have a 3d printer (wanahoa i3 +)

and you can download the different part to print them on this website

I start the robot one year ago ,when I start robotic on my day off. I improve it as same time as my knowledge. English isn t my mother langage.


my goal: _all my media on it (music,movie,series tv ,picture)

_ server nas and kodi(raspberry media app) to read them with the hdmi output or with your tablet, computer.

_control it with android apps, raspberry, internet

Part List

for this robot you need

_ a raspberry pi 3b +

_ speaker

_ a ps3 cam

_ picoprojector

_battery for the both card

_ wireless keyboard (rii mini8)

_from makeblock**

_me orion

_ 2 me RJ 25 adaptator

_ me bluetooth(optional)

_36mm Codeur DC Motor Pack

_ 3 servo motor

_screw different size

I printed some beam from there and baught the rest

Plastic Timing Pulley 62T 4-Pack


16x Beam0824-192

8x Beam0824-080

8x Bracket 3x3

8x Plastic Timing Pulley 90T For Motor

5x Plate 3 x 6

2x Plate 0324-088

1x Track With Track Axle(40-Pack)

4x Beam0412-044

4x Beam0412-060

PLA filament for the 3d printer

Building the Base


the picture will help you to understand me

base:7x Beam0824-192; 7x Beam0824-080; 7x Plate 3 x 6;

Take 1 Beam0824-192, and 1 Beam0824-080 fix together I use the plate 3x6 ; do that with the 6 other.

fix them to make a strong base

backwheel: 36mm Codeur DC Motor Pack timing-pulley-90t-blue-4-pack;

ln the pack you have everthing to fix them and the back and pulley as wheel

frontwheel: 1 servo ;1 custom beam;4x Beam0412-044; 2x Beam0412-060; 2x Bracket 3x3; 2x Plastic Timing Pulley 62T ;

I made a servo bearing for the direction

the pulley 90T are fix to 2x Beam0412-044 and a bracket 3x3

fix the Pulley 62T center to the bracket

fix the Pulley 62T top to the base

fix the Pulley 62T bottom to Beam0412-060

fix the Beam0412-060 to the custom beam

repeat the previous part for the second wheel

after you just a to fix the servo to the base and is arm to the custom beam

to finish I fix my hard drive and the hub usb

Building Second Part


10x Beam0824-192; 2x custom beam;

on the picture you can see the 10 vertical beam and the 2 custom horizontal: 1 for the picoprojector and 1 for the cam at the front at the back we have a box to put some mess on the cover it s my keyboard older I found it on internet, on the top of the box there is the powerbox to turn on off the robot and the raspberry the batery level display


Building Inside


I made some level between the different card to have something more clear

the second picture represent my sound system old broken beats speaker I baught a 5v amplifer and a filtrer

and the last one is my top back left robot covering with usb hdmi and ethernet port


blu wiring.png

so I draw a schema it s more easy to understand


all the link in this part are tuto to help you

there is my arduino skectch(bluorion) and my python script for the raspberry( and

for the rpi

It s on the last raspbian with kodi ,motion

after I create shortcut

I follow a tuto to make a nas with my rpi like that everybody on my wifi have on an access to my video and my music.

I found this one and use the script to control my robot by internet.



so I had few custom pieces

a can holder at the front

I had a tablet holder on the left side (to see my desktop and access to my hard drive),

rii keyboard holder 3d printing (I found it from internet ask me I will give you the link)

a box for the mess behind the keybard holder.

on the right side I put my power supply (for the robot and the video projector)

the power supply:

I buy a laptop power supply like this one I plug it directly on my videoprojector and I plug a dc step down at the battery voltage. after you just have to put a switch battery/power supply.

I change the ultrasonnic sensor and I put 2 other less expensive

I will change my battery 7.4v to 12v and a bigger capacity and I would like to plug it to my raspberry to see the capacity on my desktop