Blow Dart!

Hi, in this instructable i'll show you how to make a blow-dart.
(WARNING: These are dangerous! Don't shoot at people or animals!)
(WARNING: These are dangerous! Don't shoot at people or animals!)

•see-thru tape
•see-thru tape

take the scissors and cut a little square out of the paper.
role the paper into a cone with the top as small as u can get it.
tape it near the tip so that it stays in a cone shape.
role the paper into a cone with the top as small as u can get it.
tape it near the tip so that it stays in a cone shape.

put he tip of the cone in the tube and if u want, draw a line where u will need to cut.
take it out of the straw and cut just below the line.
(the little cone might need some adjusting so that it will fit into the straw later)
take it out of the straw and cut just below the line.
(the little cone might need some adjusting so that it will fit into the straw later)

put the needle in through the cone, tip first.
tape the cone to the needle and sorta roll it around in your fingers.
put the flame of the lighter under the tape (not on it) so that it gets hot and shrivels up. (don't burn it)
blow on it so that it cools faster.
tape the cone to the needle and sorta roll it around in your fingers.
put the flame of the lighter under the tape (not on it) so that it gets hot and shrivels up. (don't burn it)
blow on it so that it cools faster.

u now have a blow dart!
just stick it in the straw and blow!
(dont inhale:-))
just stick it in the straw and blow!
(dont inhale:-))