Blinky Badge
I wanted to make a Star Trek communicator badge so I made this but you can make it what ever you want. You will need
corrugated cardboard (MUST BE CORRUGATED), tape, wire from a bread tie, one colored LED, coin cell battery, scissors, markers, and a safety pin. (NOTE: it doesn't actually blink but it will shine)
Trace and Cut
Color and Glue
Color your badge how ever you want. If the badge is layered hot glue the pieces on top of each other after the ink has dryed.
Decide Where to Blink
Think about where on the side of your badge you want to blink based on the shape.
Make the Blinker
Sandwich the coin cell battery in-between the legs on the LED so that it shines, if it doesn't shine flip it around.
Bend one of the legs out so the LED doesn't shine.
Make sure that when you squish the bent leg it shines, and then when you let go the wire springs back and doesn't shine.
Flip the badge over and place the LED fixture where you need it to be.
Tape It On
Tape the sides of the battery to the badge with room for the wire to touch the battery and to put the safety pin.
Make the Pin
Slide the ends of the safety pin through the wire and bend it with your hands to make it stay.
Wear It
Press your badge and see it shine!