Blinds Management According Current Weather Data

by horvath slavo in Circuits > Wireless

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Blinds Management According Current Weather Data


This project is about usage of Personal Weather Station data for intelligent blinds management:

  • Wind Gust value for securing blinds in case it exceeds a safety limit
  • Solar Radiation value for smart blinds management


Shelly 2.5 - CE + UL (3x)

Shelly Plus 1

GoGEN ME 3900 WiFi

Shelly Installation

  • Install three Shelly 2.5 in a standard way for blinds control and one Shelly Plus 1
  • Connect them on shelly cloud service
  • Set static IP addresses

Personal Weather Station Installation

  • Installation of Personal Weather Station (PWS) GoGEN ME 3900 WiFi
  • Register it on Weather Underground service
  • Get API key for my device from the service

Shelly Script Set Up

  • Update Shelly Plus 1 to the latest beta firmware version
  • Save and Run Shelly script (attached) on Shelly Plus 1:
  • It reads weather data through APIs for Personal Weather Station Contributors from Weather Underground service
  • Sends commands to Shelly’s 2.5:

– open blinds fully in case the wind gust exceeds a safety limit

– close them during night or in “Sunny” weather

– open them partly (turn) in “Cloudy” conditions