Blaze - Modern Table Top

by Canvas of Dreams in Circuits > Art

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Blaze - Modern Table Top


This is a small rendition of a conceptual table consisting of two layers with different patterns and lighting arrangements, which can be manipulated by the user.
The patterns were laser etched onto two acrylic panels.

  • LEDs are used to lit up the panels fixed on inset circle laser cut on the panels.
  • It stands on a central pillar made of curved wood which further enhances it's aesthetic.
  • To augment the interaction, the LED strips were connected to two potentiometers, respectively. This enabled the user to manipulate the color and intensity of lighting these acrylic panels.
  • Along with the beautiful and soothing effect of lights, the lower panel of the table can also be rotated to extend the table top.

Material & Tools Used

Material :

  • Wires
  • Switch
  • 12v LED Strip
  • 12v 1A DC Power Supply
  • 2x 1K Ohm Potentiometer
  • 3mm Plywood 1'x1'
  • 8mm Acrylic Sheet 1'x1'
  • Clear Warnish
  • Wood Glue
  • Heat Shrink Tube


  • Laser Cutter
  • Wire Cutter/Stripper
  • Soldering Iron
  • Painting Brush

Table Top


Table top is consisting of two layers of 8mm acrylic sheet with different patterns engraved on them.
One is a detailed pattern and another is kept simple so that when the lit up patterns on both panels are super imposed on each-other they still look neat and classy.
The vector file of the pattern that I have used is uploaded here in Adobe Illustrator ( .ai ) format.
The acrylic sheet is cut and engraved using laser cutter.
Now if you have never used a laser cutter before let me tell you its the most amazing tool for the makers and very easy to use too. You can sign up for Instructables Laser Cutting Class. Its very well designed with lots of information and projects.

  • I placed the acrylic sheet on the platform.
  • Exported the file to the laser cutter with cutting and engraving settings.
  • As the design on one panel is very detailed so It took about 40 minutes to process both panels in laser cutter.



  • The stand was made using plywood,
  • A peice of plywood was laser cut with a pattern and form a rectangle.

These are Kerf patterns also know as lattice hinges where plywood is laser cut in a way such that it become flexible and can be bent. For detailed information you can read this Instructable - Curved Laser Bent Wood by Aaron PorterfieldI. Certain patterns cut onto wood bring forth these beautiful properties.

  • The rectangle was then rolled to make a cylinder and glued on circles made with same plywood on top and bottom.
  • Also I made space for three wires to transfer power to the LED strips and inserted the wires under the stand from bottom to top.

Circuit & Control Box

  • There are two 12V 5050 LED strips are used to lit both panels of the table. One is blue and another is warm white.
  • Intensity of the light can be change varying the voltage supplied to the LED Strips so I added two 1K ohm potentiometers with both strips.
  • Negative terminal of LED strips are connected via a switch to the negative of the power supply.
  • Power supply, switch and both potentiometers are fixed in a laser cut wired remote control box.
  • I also made knobs with the plywood and later fixed mirror like acrylic cut in circle on the potentiometers.

The .ai file for remote control box is attached.

LED Strips are available in different colours like Red, Green, Blue, White, Warm White and even RGB LED which can form many colours mixing RGB. To fix the LED strip cut the LED strip to the desired length. Make sure you cut at one of the cut marks with contacts on them or you will end up damaging the LED Strip.


Assembling and Finishing.

  • Once stand, panels and circuit was done, I fixed the LEDs on the top of circular plywood cutted which is a perfect fir for the Laser cut round inset in the acrylic panels.
  • First low profile panel was fixed above which i glued a 2mm thick plywood cut in circle just 5mm bigger then the inset of the acrylic panel. It was fixed in a way such that the lower panel is free to rotate 360' but cannot move axially or cannot be removed from the stand.
  • The I repeated the same method for top panel with only one difference .i.e. colour of LED.
  • Above it i simply place another circle engraved with a simple design.
  • After assembling it I applied clear varnish on the plywood parts using paint brush.


I made this table in two days but I had this idea in my mind for long time. Finally its made and soon I will make a full scale model.

This concept turned out very nicely and many other things can be made using same concept. Just let your imagination fly :)
Happy making :)