BlackHat Operating System
I would like to announce Project DELT4 final name is BlackHat OS SHPlasma5. An operating system that works entirely on cmd (batch). It's different than the other Batch OS. For BlackHat OS,I tried to simplify cmd commands. I tried to be original,the commands is really different with CMD or Linux commands. By the time now,BlackHat OS (Prototype test prgram) is available to download on my website. And before you proceed to the next article,please read TheGamerz CODE EULA:
Commands Available:
This is a PROTOTYPE.So please expect some bugs.
Also,this prototye only includes some basic commands.
list of available commands:
rootreq: request root access help: Show this text
setup: setup BlackHat OS
customize:customize your BlackHat
Unroot: Unroot your root shell
logout: logout to guest shell
about: View credits and why this project is created
shutdown: ShutDown BlackHat OS
licence_uninstall: Uninstall your BlackHat Licence
create_godmodfile: create GodMode file(Windows easter-eggs)
Release Date:
The official release date is now 15th February 2021. I know,you guys have to wait for a very long time,but,this project is taking really long time to complete. Forget that,you can still participate in the next Open Pre-Alpha test,Open Alpha test and Open BETA test right?
Stare at those images please...
After you have tested,please leave some feedback ok. Your feedback is everything. You can Email me: or provide feedback at my website : at anytime... you can also provide your feedback at the comment section!
Open Source Release
I will release an open-source version of BlackHat OS,but not when release. I'll release it a bit by a bit so you can assemble it by yourself!
Download Link
Before you download,please agree to my EULA licence at
BlackHat OS Prototype test program is available to download on:
GoFile (No Longer Available)
Only available until 15th August 2020
Thank You!
Thank you for taking your time to read and hopefully try this project!