Black Box Lamp
Simple, elegant, easy to build, and cheap lamp.
2 Configurations: Cover up,Cover down
Want to carry it safely or just hide the lamp? place the cover on the box and put the light inside the box.
You just need: - Cardboard box
- cardboard roll
- Fluorescent light, light holder and switch
- The metal part of a round hairbrush
- black thermoresistant paint
- slab of wood
- large hydraulic nut
- 4 long screws
- very small bar
Main Materials
make an hole as large as the screw of the light in the lower part of the box
Cut the Roll a Little Lower Than the Box
Cut a Piece of Wood Large As the Hole of the Box
Cut the Roll Using the Lamp Holder As a Reference
Drill 4 Holes in the Piece of Wood, Around the Roll
Place the Lamp Holder in a Smaller Piece of Wood
Then cut a small hole for the wire
Screw It As in the Picture
Then place the other part of the roll around the light holder and put this part inside the box.
Use a Small Nut As a Wire Holder
drill the hole near a corner of the box, not too near to the edge.
Drill a Hole in the Cover As Shown in the Picture
If Necessary, Paint the Box and the Base of the Light in Opaque Thermoresistant Black
Fold the Piece of Metal As Shown in the Picture
the big nut will be screwed on top of this
Glue the Piece of Metal Around the Light
use a strong glue
Place a Little Stop Under the Cover
Screw the Big Nut on the Cover
this will hold in place the cover
Screw the Light in the Hole
Enjoy it.
If you want to carry it safely, remove the light and close the box with his cover.