Birthday Card Balloons
This is how you create a Birthday Balloon Card with your personal wishes and a sign that flies!
Make a Card
You can use a ready made card or you can make your own.
To make your own you fold a thick paper in half and cut it to the size you need it.
Cut Out the Ballons and the Sign
Cut out the balloons and the sign. For the sign you can use a contour scissor.
Write the thoughts you wish the person into the balloons. I my case I wrote: Luck, Health and Happiness.
Onto the sign you write: happy birthday or something. As you like you can draw a heart, flower, etc.
Tie the Ballons to the Sign - Glue Everything to the Card Except the Sign
Use bast fiber to tie the balloons to the sign. If it doesn´t last there you can use glue to fix the bast fiber to the balloon and sign.
Now glue the balloons to the card. DON`T glue the sign to the card! It should hang there.
Let it dry and there you have a Balloon Card with personal wishes and a flying sign!