Bird Quest! a 3D Board Game

by xX_christopher_Xx in Living > Toys & Games

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Bird Quest! a 3D Board Game

BirdQuest Demo!
LongAgo (2).jpg
Before (2).jpg
now (2).jpg

Long long time ago, there is a beautiful forest. Birds in the mountains, like Eagle and Falcon, visited their friends Duck and Seagull in the beach nearby. Food was plentiful and life was good. However, as more and more people came to visit, trees were cut down and blocks of houses rose. Mountain birds were squeezed to the corner of the land, and they did not dare to come out to meet their friends anymore. Fortunately, people started to change and built gardens and left out more room for grasslands. New birds moved in, like Hummingbird and Pigeon. People also started to protect the forest. Finally, there was a chance for all birds, friends old and new, to meet and live together. How will this go?

We created a 3D Board Game- Bird Quest with many game variations to extend your own version of the story afterwards.


(This project has a long material list, fortunately, many are household items and most of the remaining we got from dollar store. We also reuse many of the materials, e.g. the yarn scraps was used for grassland!)

For the birds:

  • Yarn (3-9 colors)
  • Cardboard (3"x4")
  • Googly eyes (optional)
  • Felt (wings, eyes)
  • Stickers (yellow, orange, or red for beak)

For the bird hangers:

  • 6 Magnets
  • Paper clips

For the game board:

  • Poster board
  • Brown paint
  • Plexiglass (18 x 24)
  • 11" x 14" frame
  • Clear duct tape

For the game tiles:

  • Styrofoam and poster board (enough for 42 3x3 tiles)
  • Leaves/moss
  • Yarn scraps (can be reused from birds)
  • Small plastic flowers (4 pcs)
  • Green tissue paper
  • lollipop sticks
  • washi tape and stickers
  • blue construction paper
  • Seashell beads
  • Tinfoil
  • Double-sided tapes & Duct tape
  • Blocks of black styrofoam (for mountain and rock)
  • yellow/ rough paper
  • yellow/green masking tape
  • Clear duct tape

For the game elements:

  • Dice
  • White card stock (for bird character cards)
  • beads for tracking of points
  • Toilet paper roll & yarn for bird nests

Bird Players, Pt. 1

Bird-Falcon (1).jpg

You will need to make 6 birds: Falcon, Eagle, Seagull, Hummingbird, Pigeon, and Duck

Cut a slit on the 3"x4" cardboard and start by sticking one end of the yarn through it to avoid slipping. Wrap the yarn around the cardboard flap.

Bird Players, Pt. 2

Bird-Falcon (2).jpg
Bird-Falcon (3).jpg

Once you have a decent amount of wraps, fold the flap so you can insert a separate length of yarn through the center and tie a first knot. Remove the cardboard flap and tie a couple of more knots in the middle as seen in the picture. You can also use rubber band. The point is to secure the yarn ball with knots.

Since we are making bird players, we need to leave some extra yarn to hang the birds with paper clips from the ceiling.

Bird Players, Pt. 3

Bird-Falcon (4).jpg

Cut around the edge of the circle to split the loops of yarn into parts. This will make the poof ball effect!

Bird Players, Pt. 4

Bird-Falcon (5).jpg

Trim to create a tail shape and tie a knot if needed.

Bird Players, Pt. 5

Bird-Falcon (7).jpg
Bird-Falcon (6).jpg
Bird-Falcon (8).jpg

Add wings and eyes with felt, and a beak out of sticker/paper.


Bird-family (1).jpg
Bird-HummingBird (5).jpg

Use different colors for different birds. If you want to have a bird with multiple colors, simply wrap more than one colors onto the cardboard piece. We did this with humming bird (light green and green) and pigeon (black, grey, and blue).

Alternatively, you can connect two small yarn balls, e.g. bald eagle.

Game Board, Pt. 1


The board we got from dollar store is bigger than desired size of 18"x24". We cut out side and use those to make thin strip borders.

Game Board, Pt. 2


Mark grid lines on the poster board, splitting it into 3 in. by 3 in. squares. If you used the recommended size of 18"x24", there should be 48 squares (6x8).

Game Board, Pt. 3


Paint the poster board and border brown; let dry.

Game Board, Pt. 4


Tape on the strips as borders with transparent duct tape.

Game Board, Pt. 5

Sky&SupportBoard (1).jpg
Sky&SupportBoard (2).jpg

Tape one side of one frame to the plexiglass with perpendicular angle.

The idea is that the resulting frame can stand in a flipped "I_I" shape by itself with this position.

Game Board, Pt. 6

Sky&SupportBoard (3).jpg

Add a piece of tape along the fold for extra support.

Game Board, Pt. 7

Sky&SupportBoard (4).jpg

Repeat with the other frame on the opposite side of the plexiglass in folded position. This makes it easy to fold and carry the game.

Game Board, Final

Sky&SupportBoard (5).jpg
Sky&SupportBoard (6).jpg

The frame-plexiglass joints should be foldable (upwards).

Game Tiles Overview

Three biomes/categories: Grass, Water, Rocks

Each category has:

8 Normal tiles

4 Food tiles -Grassland has 4 gardens, Water has 4 fishy ponds, and Rocks has 4 rocky land with nutrients

2 Nesting tiles-one 4 in., and one 8 in. tall -Grassland has two trees, Water has two islands, and Rocks has two mountains

There are 3 areas: Grass, Water, and Rocks. Each area has 8 normal tiles, 4 special food tiles, and 2 special nesting blocks. One nesting block is 4" tall and the other is 8" tall. Nesting blocks are placed on tiles, so their base must be 3x3 in. or less.

The following steps have our work making these tiles, but you can customize them to your liking.

Game Tiles, Prep

TerrainCard-Base (2).jpg
Terrain-LakeSpecial (1).jpg
TerrainCard-Base (1).jpg

Cut 3 in. x 3 in. Styrofoam or poster board tiles. (42 in total)

Game Tiles, Grass-Normal Tile-pt.1

Terrain-grassland (1).jpg

Layout dried leaves, moss, or other flat natural items on top of tiles.

Game Tiles, Grass-Normal Tile-pt.2

Terrain-grassland (3).jpg
Terrain-grassland (2).jpg

Tape them down to create a laminating effect with transparent duct tape.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Food Garden Tile-pt.1

Terrain-Garden (1).jpg

Reuse the leftover yarn pieces from making humming birds. Spread glue evenly on tile, then press green, yellow, or brown yarn bits onto tiles to secure.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Food Garden Tile-pt.2

Terrain-Garden (2).jpg

Add plastic flowers or other garden-style decorations.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.1

Terrain-Tree (1).jpg
Terrain-Tree (2).jpg

Cut wrapping tissue papers into small 3"x4" rectangles. Stack them evenly.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.2

Terrain-Tree (3).jpg

Fold the green tissue paper in a fan shape as seen. No need to be accurate as we want a natural looking tree.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.3

Terrain-Tree (4).jpg

Tie the middle together with a piece of string or yarn. Optionally cut off some of the edge on both tips.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.4

Terrain-Tree (5).jpg
Terrain-Tree (6).jpg

Flip open the sheets of paper. The end result should look like a tree.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.5

Terrain-Tree (7).jpg

Insert the lollipop stick into the tree leaves, glue it securely.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.6

Terrain-Tree (8).jpg

Wrap the brown washi tape around the lollipop stick for tree trunk.

Game Tiles, Grass-Special Nesting Tree Tile-pt.7

Terrain-Tree (9).jpg

Secure it to the tile and repeat for 1 more tree (Make sure the heights are 4" and 8").

Game Tiles, Rock-Normal Tiles

Take aside 8 tiles of black poster board. These will be the normal rock tiles.

Game Tiles. Rock-Special Food Nutrient Tiles


Cut thin pieces of black styrofoam and glue onto 4 tiles.

Game Tiles, Rock-Special Nesting Mountain Tiles

Terrain-Mountain (1).jpg
Terrain-Mountain (2).jpg

Sculpt out a natural looking rock formation and glue it to a poster board tile.

Game Tiles, Water-Normal Tiles


Tape 3"x3" blue construction/sparkling paper squares to 8 poster board tiles.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Food Fish Tiles, Pt.1

Terrain-LakeSpecial (2).jpg

Tape tinfoil pieces (cut into fish like shapes) to a styrofoam tile.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Food Fish Tiles, Pt.2

Terrain-LakeSpecial (3).jpg
Terrain-LakeSpecial (4).jpg

Add seashell beads then pour epoxy resin over to create water effect.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 1

Island (1).jpg

Cut 2 blocks of styrofoam. Make sure they're 8" and 6" tall.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 2

Island (3).jpg

Cut pieces of the rough paper.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 3

Island (2).jpg

Place the pieces on the styrofoam blocks.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 4

Island (4).jpg

Add the green masking tape for decoration and the clear tape for stability.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles Pt. 5

Island (5).jpg

Paint a styrofoam block brown. This block will help the nests stay on.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 6

Island (6).jpg

Bend a paper clip into a U shape and stick it into the block.

Game Tiles, Water-Special Nesting Island Tiles, Pt. 7

Island (7).jpg

Add the blocks on top of the styrofoam towers.

Game Elements, Dice


Tape stickers saying "Special", "Forward", "Left", "Right", "Up", and "Down" to a dice.

Game Elements, Nests Pt.1

BirdNest (1).jpg

Cut a toilet paper roll into many small sections.

Game Elements, Nests Pt.2

BirdNest (2).jpg

Wrap the outside of the toilet paper roll with double sided tape.

Game Elements, Nests Pt.3

BirdNest (3).jpg
BirdNest (4).jpg

Wrap yarn around the toilet paper roll.

Game Elements, Nests Pt.4

BirdNest (5).jpg

Add washi tape at the end to secure.

Game: Elements, Set Up, How to Play, Goal, and Variations

BirdQuest Demo!