Bird Nest of Husk
This is an instructable of making a bird nest using a coconut husk.
The reason I did this instructable was there are a lot of wild birds hanging out and land on the trees around the house. Some of them making nest and laying eggs on the trees such as a pair of spotted dove laying eggs or weaver birds or Ploceidae making nest. The birds act as a pest control for my garden because they eat insects and bugs.
Then, it cross my mind, how about if I make one for them, as a helping hands and a token of gratitude towards wild life. It is an out of comfort zone for me.
The Husk
There is only one item needs to do this instructable, which is a coconut husk (or half of it) and an empathy for wild life.
The Branch
- Firstly, I survey a few branches on a good tree for a good spot for the nest.
- I make sure the location is high enough so that it prevent any predators from harming the birds and eggs.
- Then, I position the coconut husk securely on the selected branches.
- Now, I wait for the birds to come and make a nest of it.
- This instructable is so simple, even you can make it :-)
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