Bird Nest Necklace
This is a necklace that looks like a birds nest. It is easy and doesn't take a lot of time to make. The nest is made out of brass wire and the eggs are Styrofoam balls that are squished so the look like eggs. The diameter is 13mm, but you can make it any size you want.
- 1ft brass wire
- Small Styrofoam balls 3x
- Needle nose pliers
- Chain with clasp.
- Wire cutters.
The Nest Part 1.
In this step we will make the bottom of the nest.
Get the brass wire and make a small loop in it. Then, thread the rest of the wire through the loop and pull it tight. You might want to use pliers to pull the wire through the loop because it is hard to do.
The Nest Part 2.
In this step we will continue to make the nest.
Wrap the wire around the bottom of the nest as shown to make a cone shape. Keep doing that until you think you have a big enough nest. When I started wrapping the wire I grabbed the bottom of the nest with pliers to get a better grip on it.
The Nest Part 3.
In this step we will finish the nest.
Once you have a big enough nest Bend the wire up a bit and down to form a loop for the chain to go on. Then, bend the wire so it is by the bottom of the nest and bend it again and stick it in the hole in the bottom of the nest.
The Eggs.
In this step we will make the eggs.
Get the foam balls and use your finger to roll them so they look like eggs. Then, do the same thing with as may eggs as you want. If you don't have foam balls you can use beads, but I used foam balls because they are more egg shaped when you roll them. Then, glue them onto the nest.
The Chain.
In this step we will attach the chain to the nest.
Get some wire and make a loop with it then cut the loop off and open it up a bit. then put the loop around the chain and stick it through the loop in the nest as shown. then close the loop and the necklace is done.
Have fun!