Bird Feeder 2

by 0gauwitzgav in Craft > Reuse

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Bird Feeder 2

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I made a bird feeder so I can feed the birds that enter my yard. Theres 2 holders, one holds water the other one holds the food. This can be very convenient for birds for the simple fact that all there food and drink is in one spot. Birds are attracted the bright colors like light blue making them want to investigate the feeder.




1 medium sized bottle

Two holders for food and water

Hot glue for structure support and keep things stuck together

Zip ties (making a holder for a rope to be tied around)


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The first step to making a feeder is finding this to hold the food and the water in. These will eventually be glued to the medium sized bottle using the bottle as a support for everything.

Cutting Up

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Next you will take both holders and drill holes in them the size of the bottle. These will be placed in the right spot and hot glued to stay together and where the holders need to be.


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This is where the cutting comes into play you will need to holders. It doesnt matter how far apart they are they just need enough space to refill the holders.

Last Part

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For the last part I started to paint up the bird feeder giving it more interest and a better look overall.