Bike Trailer Tent

Bike trailer tent built from an old transport trailer and a camping bed tent

camping bed tent
2 aluminum square tubes 2.5m
3 aluminum square tubes 1m
10 safety cotter pins
2 aluminum U-profiles 1m
20 pipe plugs
approx. 90 blind rivets
1 aluminum round tube 1m
5m Tesaband
Steel angle 90°
HDF board 1.20 x 0.60m
Steel angle T
10 screws M5
10 nuts M5
Old Transport Trailer...

Old Transport Trailer...
Camping Bed Tent

only the tent is used
Remove Tube Plugs

the trailer's frame tubes are open in the direction of travel, making extension easy

Required: HDF sheet, aluminum profiles, angle joints and many blind rivets
Frame Extension

behind the frame extension with tent holes at the ends.
Front Frame Extension

Front frame extension with sleeping surface

3 mm HDF panel
Top side coated, bottom side sealed
Tent Supports

front and rear tent supports are removable for travelling
Sleeping Surface

Sleeping surface : 194 cm x 60 cm

Crutch assembly
These can be unscrewed to save space
Transportation Position

The landing gear are inserted into the trailer housings and locked in place.
Finishing Touch

HDF edge covering
Protective Cover

Securing the protective tarpaulin

... and on top, you can also carry a lot of stuff...
Final Assembly

Simple conversion from transport trailer to motorhome
Rear Signalization

eye-catching rear element
Final Assembly: Tent