Bike Dog Walker

by 5VOLTSGC in Living > Pets

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Bike Dog Walker

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We have a pug dog and we also enjoy bicycling. When we go bicycling and take our dog he wants to run, but I have found it very dangerous to hold a leash and ride a bike. If he stops, he can pull on the leash which could cause me to crash.

Parts list:
1. 12" long 1/2"npt pipe
2. 3/4"npt TEE
3. 1/2 to 3/4 bushing
4. Hairpin Cotter Pin to match dog size (25 pound use a 3", and 40 pound use a 4")
5. Extension Spring 1" X 7" X.135"
6. 2 - Hose Clamps for approx. 2" pipe
7. Old inner tube to cut up
8. Leash - 3 foot length see step 8
9. Dog harness

Cut the 3/4" Npt Pipe TEE in Half

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Cut the 3/4" npt TEE in half. I used a hacksaw, which cut the TEE in half fairly quickly.

Grind Sharp Edges Off Cut TEE

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Remove the threads inside the TEE, and any sharp edges to prevent scratching the seat post too much.


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At the local hardware store buy a closed end spring as shown that is 1" X 7" X.135". If you can't find a spring that is this size, the important thing is to make sure that when the end of the spring is removed, a 1/2 pipe can screw into it.

When I bought this spring at the local hardware store, I walked to the plumbing section and sized up a 1/2 npt pipe to the spring and found that with a little force the spring would screw onto the pipe.

Screw the Spring on to the 1/2" Shaft

With the 1/2" pipe in a vise, screw the spring onto the pipe. You need to really push the spring as you twist to make sure it starts to thread on.

I added gorilla tape to help protect the spring for the bit marks from the pliers, however the spring was still marred. You will need to add a lot of tape to protect the spring from marks from the pliers

Assemble TEE and Pipe Together

Assemble the 1/2" pipe to the 1/2" - 3/4" bushing to the 3/4" TEE that was cut in step 2.

The great part about this is that when you don't need the "Dog Walker" you can unscrew the 12" pipe and bushing to remove it from your bike. The TEE stays on the seat post out of the way and is ready for when you need it again.

Attach Leash to Break-away "Hairpin Cotter Pin"

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Size the "Hair pin cotter pin" to match your dogs size. For example: for my 25 pound pug I used a 3" and for my friends dog that is a lab and weighs about 40 pounds I used the 4".

To make the break-away feature work, all you need to do is put the leash in the large loop of the cotter pin and the spring in the small loop of the cotter pin. This configuration has worked well and is very easy to reset after it has been opened.

Assemble Bike Dog Walker on the Seat Post

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Cut three pieces of old inner tube as follows:
2 at 2-1/4"
1 at 3-1/2"

Insert the 3-1/2" inner tube on the seat post. Then insert the two shorter inner tube pieces and each end of the TEE. Clamp the whole assemble to the seat post with the two hose clamps.

Taking It Out for a Test Run

For the first ride it is best for the both of you to go out by yourselves for at least a mile or so until you and your dog get accustomed to the bike dog walker. Then you should be able to ride as a group like in these pictures below.

In these videos you can see that I was using a retractable dog leash, which I would not recommend. I really had to try hard to keep the leash out of the tire, unless you shorten the length.

Update: Aug 8th 2009, we went out for a ride with a yellow lab called "Bell", and a leash that was 3 feet long. That length of 3 feet worked the best for her. So I would like to change my original recommendation of a 6 foot leash, to a 3 foot leash.